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Airport City Trading Centre

Jbg, cld you send me wide angle binoculars? Need 2 of these to upgrade control tower. Thanks.

Flight catering ok for you?

Sorry, I can't send binoculars. What else can I send you? Flight catering works for me!
Could you pls add some passengers or me? What do you need? I do not have sandbags sorry...

Yes, will send passengers tomorrow. If you can send fuel additive in return I would appreciate it.
Tell me about this weekend bonus please!

User Fannie Fargo 32

I didn't know anything about it until Fred mentioned it two weeks ago. There is a bonus code posted on the official Airport City Facebook page on Friday and you enter it where you would add a friend and you get $3 plus 2000 coins. The code is for Android players but works on iPads too. Fred sent a different code - I'm not sure if that was just for iPads/Phones or where he got it but both codes worked. I can't remember who posted the code last week but watch for it tomorrow.
Did you try kill white ghosts neighbors when you have active soul net? In this way I got a lot of aerosols, more then from flights.



Unfortunately, I've used up today's allowance to visit my neigbours. So, flying is the only way left for me to get aerosols now...

Little Angel (level 25)

I'll be sending below gifts within an hour. If you need anything different, please let me know.
Bloobuoy: flight helmet
FF32: fuel
Sian & David: flight catering
Siannnnn: oscilating beacon
Jbg: landing lamp
Jimghjj2: landing lamp
Letgnis: fuel supply
Esther: handling line
Jdm: packaging machine
OlaTomek: navigation module

If anyone else need something from me too, please let me know. If you haven't send anything to me, please send me fuel supply for now.

Little Angel (level 26)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Stamp (2), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (2), Do Not Disturb Sign (2), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).
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I'll be sending below gifts within an hour. If you need anything different, please let me know.

Fuel additive instead of landing lamp please. Hope you got the video board I sent this morning. Will send another tomorrow.
I didn't know anything about it until Fred mentioned it two weeks ago. There is a bonus code posted on the official Airport City Facebook page on Friday and you enter it where you would add a friend and you get $3 plus 2000 coins. The code is for Android players but works on iPads too. Fred sent a different code - I'm not sure if that was just for iPads/Phones or where he got it but both codes worked. I can't remember who posted the code last week but watch for it tomorrow.

I posted the code last week. Seems like the code is meant for android player but it works on iPads. The $3 + 2000 coins bonuses have come in handy.
Hi gamers! I have some good news.
Today I've get 5$ with this
My previous message about 10$. I received them for viewing of advertizing video in game about it

I'll be sending below gifts within an hour. If you need anything different, please let me know.
Bloobuoy: flight helmet
FF32: fuel
Sian & David: flight catering
Siannnnn: oscilating beacon
Jbg: landing lamp
Jimghjj2: landing lamp
Letgnis: fuel supply
Esther: handling line
Jdm: packaging machine
OlaTomek: navigation module

If anyone else need something from me too, please let me know. If you haven't send anything to me, please send me fuel supply for now.

Little Angel (level 26)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Stamp (2), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (2), Do Not Disturb Sign (2), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).

Thanks Little Angle. I don't have any of the items you need. You okay with passengers, flight catering or fuel supply?
Fuel for a little bit would be great. I need to build up a supply. I'll send binoculars tonight.

User Fannie Fargo 32

Opps! i think i have already sent the radar. Will send you fuel when gifting resets. Thank in advance for the binoculars.
Letgnis passengers sended, sorry no binoculars and stamp
Jbg364 fuel additives sended

Thanks for the DND Sign. For those who can still send gifts, please send me fuel supply only for now. I desperately need those to fly to Machu Picchu. Please help me. I only have 3 hrs 40 min left to complete this halloween madness (with still 5 black wraiths to banish, but out of aerosols and out of limit to visit neighbours).

Little Angel (level 26)

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