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Airport City Trading Centre

Barbara59 said:
It's a collection you make from flights to Tokyo. It's one of the tasks that you get. It's just gives money and experience.

Sian and David ( level 35 )

Thanks! I'm not flying to Tokyo yet. I guess I have that to look forward to. Just curious, how many planes of each type do you have? What do you think works the best?

User Fannie Fargo 33
Frenetta said:
Thanks! I'm not flying to Tokyo yet. I guess I have that to look forward to. Just curious, how many planes of each type do you have? What do you think works the best?

User Fannie Fargo 33

I have 2 jumbos, 2 powerful deltas, 2 deltas. 1 jet and 1 turboprop. As you progress up the levels you need additional items for every flight. So you need planes that can fly to the destinations where they can be collected. Fior level 31 and beyond flights, as well as flight catering, you need beacon for Berlin, Nav Module for Mexico, Fuel Hose for Hawaii and Propeller for Amsterdam and Tokyo. There are collections to be made from each of these destinations.

I do swap around as well depending on the quest. For example for the Duke Crocker one I sold the jet and bought another turboprop, which I then switched back when I had finished.

Hope that helps. Feel free to ask anything you want to know.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
FLjim560 said:
Do you havea priority as to what you want? I can't help with the Repair Base unless you still need a Controller.

Still need controller as well. Thanx
I've sent you neighbor request - in my waiting list are username only (before here were real name but now only usernames :( ).
What do you need? Air Vent Filter will be ok?

Pls add pic your airport.

Thanks a lot.


I added you as a neighbor and sent you an A-I Bracelet. Yes, I need 2 Air Vent Filters.

My airport forms a triangle. On the left side, I have 6 car dealerships going up to the triangle point. From the triangle point coming down to the right, I have 6 Universities.


Jim (FLJim560)


  • acHD.jpg
    13.6 KB · Views: 95
Franetta (Fannie Fargo),

Almost all of my neighbors are visible right now. I can't find you, yet I can't add you. Will you try adding me please?



I added you as a neighbor and sent you an A-I Bracelet. Yes, I need 2 Air Vent Filters.

My airport forms a triangle. On the left side, I have 6 car dealerships going up to the triangle point. From the triangle point coming down to the right, I have 6 Universities.


Jim (FLJim560)

I got - thank you. Pls one more next time.
I'll send you 2 Air Vent Filter when my gift soon reset.

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FLjim560 said:
Sent neibor request to


I can help you with bracelets.

Thank you so much for the bracelet! Can I be cheeky and ask for 3 more! :) I can still see your name too so what would you like in return? I'm afraid my list is a bit basic at the moment,but I can send you fuel or passengers if there's nothing else on there that interests you.
Frenetta said:
I am losing more and more people into the abyss. I can't find Little Angel anymore, among other people. Every time I get 3/4 of the way through searching my neighbors, trying to find them, my game crashes and when I go back to search again, the neighbors are mixed up and I have to start all over again. After many hours of doing this, I give up. Hopefully I will get names back at some point so that I can find them again!

User Fannie Fargo 33

I feel your pain! I put my complaint in today,does anyone want to give me odds on the gi response being "wait for the next update"?
Game is still a mess! No names. I'm in need for items for the zeppelin; bags of sand, a pulley. Who can help?

Add me: Emma van beuning

I never received video boards you sent. I'm not sure what happened to them. Did you ever receive items I send to you?

Little Angel (level 27)

Sent a video board a few minutes ago. Hope you got this one!

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