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Airport City Trading Centre

Thank you for the packaging machine, would be great if you could send me Air Vent filter tmw, as there are few of you guys that have those to gift.

Air vent filter sent. Let me know if you need another one tomorrow.
Thank you so much for the bracelet! Can I be cheeky and ask for 3 more! :) I can still see your name too so what would you like in return? I'm afraid my list is a bit basic at the moment,but I can send you fuel or passengers if there's nothing else on there that interests you.

I'll send three. Passengers are always needed.

Gifting now. So far have sent:

Fannie - fuel
Esther - passengers
Ircro - Deicer
Ola - grinding machine
Captain flop - fuel
Bloobuoy - catering

Jbg what do you need?

Sian and David ( level 35 )

Anything for upper level flights would be appreciated.
Hi guys! I haven't been there for a while, but now I'm back and I need some help :) can anyone send me sandbag or rope block? I would gift back! :)

Welcome back - I was wondering what had happened to you. Can't gift either of your 'needs.' Is there anything you'd like me to send?
I am losing more and more people into the abyss. I can't find Little Angel anymore, among other people. Every time I get 3/4 of the way through searching my neighbors, trying to find them, my game crashes and when I go back to search again, the neighbors are mixed up and I have to start all over again. After many hours of doing this, I give up. Hopefully I will get names back at some point so that I can find them again!

User Fannie Fargo 33

I know! I've quit accepting new neighbours because it's just too time consuming to try to match photos with usernames. And, I don't have nearly as many neighbours as you to wade thru. GI has to fix this problem sooner or later - don't they? At least your airport looks the same even to me though I know you've been renovating and upgrading. And I'll keep sending additional fuel until you let me know you need something else.
Barbara59 said:
I have 2 jumbos, 2 powerful deltas, 2 deltas. 1 jet and 1 turboprop. As you progress up the levels you need additional items for every flight. So you need planes that can fly to the destinations where they can be collected. Fior level 31 and beyond flights, as well as flight catering, you need beacon for Berlin, Nav Module for Mexico, Fuel Hose for Hawaii and Propeller for Amsterdam and Tokyo. There are collections to be made from each of these destinations.

I do swap around as well depending on the quest. For example for the Duke Crocker one I sold the jet and bought another turboprop, which I then switched back when I had finished.

Hope that helps. Feel free to ask anything you want to know.

Sian and David ( level 35 )

Thanks for the info! It does help!

User Fannie Fargo 33
FLjim560 said:
Franetta (Fannie Fargo),

Almost all of my neighbors are visible right now. I can't find you, yet I can't add you. Will you try adding me please?




Just sent request. What do you need?

User Fannie Fargo 33
jimghjj said:
I feel your pain! I put my complaint in today,does anyone want to give me odds on the gi response being "wait for the next update"?


User Fannie Fargo 33
Itemssent today
Vibbster: Deicer
Jimghjj2: A-I Bracelet
Sian and David: Spare Propeller
Captain flop: Passengers
Little Angel: Smoke Detector
I Fly: Deicer
Rickcc: FlightCatering

If I missed you, ask and you shall receive.

Can anyone send either TV Panels or Air Vent Filters? Otherwise, I could use Deicers. I'm trying to finish level 5 Repair.

Thanks in advance.


Sent an air vent filter about an hour ago. Can send another tomorrow - let me know.
Jbg364 said:
I know! I've quit accepting new neighbours because it's just too time consuming to try to match photos with usernames. And, I don't have nearly as many neighbours as you to wade thru. GI has to fix this problem sooner or later - don't they? At least your airport looks the same even to me though I know you've been renovating and upgrading. And I'll keep sending additional fuel until you let me know you need something else.

Good thing you can still find me because my airport would be totally unrecognizable to you now! I know what you mean about the new neighbors. I really feel like dropping a bunch of the usernames that I don't "think" I need but then you never know when they'll turn out to be someone you are actually looking for but 10 levels back! I may just do it anyway. What do you think? It creates the adding back problem if I delete the wrong one....

User Fannie Fargo 33
I feel your pain! I put my complaint in today,does anyone want to give me odds on the gi response being "wait for the next update"?

Nope, I don't bet on sure things. Sent you fuel supply today. Is there something else you need?
Anyone need something else?

Bloobouy - Catering
OlaT - Controller
FLJim - Deicer
I Fly - Deicer
Jbg364 - Propeller
Fannie - Fuel
Jimghjj - Landing Lamp
Pdxsk - Landing Lamp
Ester - Passengers
Sian & David - Propellers
Little Angel - Video Board

In addition I sent the following:
Jament - Controller
Daddo- Propellers
Jeka - Fuel
Pdxsk - Landing lamp
Super123 - Propellers
Marsm - Gyroscope
Dano2010gs - Beacon
Pingways - Landing lamp
Siannnnn - Catering

If you have a gift to send, please send: TV Panels(x2), Grinding Machine(x1), Air Vent Filter(x3), Controller(x2), Packaging Machine(x2), Defrosters(x3)
Second priority: Fuel Additives, Additional Radar, Beacon, Deicer, Spare Propeller

Thanks in advance!
Good thing you can still find me because my airport would be totally unrecognizable to you now! I know what you mean about the new neighbors. I really feel like dropping a bunch of the usernames that I don't "think" I need but then you never know when they'll turn out to be someone you are actually looking for but 10 levels back! I may just do it anyway. What do you think? It creates the adding back problem if I delete the wrong one....

User Fannie Fargo 33

I've been thinking along the same lines but keep hoping that I'll open the game, the usernames will be there to stay and we'll all live happily everafter. What are the chances? Look forward to seeing your new airport. I'm going to start upgrading today!

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