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Airport City Trading Centre

EstherV said:
My gifts today:

Fannie:additional fuel
Pdxsk2: landing lamp
Jimand OlaTomek: all inclusive bracelet
Cap Flop: cooling chamber
sian and David and Jbg364:propeller
Porter029: passengers
Fljim560: deicer
Li ttel angel and Emma: handling wire
Vibbster: controller
Pingways:goal post
Sian: catering
Torque: landing lamps
Bongoboy: fuel additive
Spare.ribs: beacon

Sorryif i forgot someone who sent me something...and pls let me know if you want something differnet tomorrow.
Sleep well!

Hi Esther

Please could you send Siannnnn a controller as she is upgrading her repair base.


Sian and David ( level 35 )
I am now on the airship dock quest. Down to needing 2 sandbags and 2 rope blocks if anyone can gift them. If not landing lamps would be helpful.

Level 35

Don't have those, but will send you landing lamp

I can see all of you now and have sent the following:
Fannie: fuel
Sian & David: spare propeller
Jbg364: flight catering
Jimghjj2: passengers
Vibbster: packaging machine
FLjim: flight catering
Emma: handling line
Dano2010: landing lamp

I can still give out several more gifts. Please let me know what you need asap while I can still see all of you now.

Thanx Little Angel! I'm all set with packaging machines. If you have Defrosters or TV panels to gift for tmw, it would make me jump for joy!

Sorry, I don't have defrosters nor tv panels, but I'll send you air conditioners for the next 2 days. Let me know if you prefer something else.

Sorry, I don't have defrosters nor tv panels, but I'll send you air conditioners for the next 2 days. Let me know if you prefer something else.

thank you, Air cons for two days will be great, will remove it from my need list so that no one else sends it. Thank you, How many Archive Boxes do you need?
thank you, Air cons for two days will be great, will remove it from my need list so that no one else sends it. Thank you, How many Archive Boxes do you need?


I also need 2 more archive boxes. So, please send me that for the next 2 days as well. I'll remove archive box from my need list as well. Thanks!
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L1ttle Angel said:
Darned GI! I still can't see all of you yet. I'll try to look back at the thread and see your airport. If I can find some of you and have what you need, I'll send it asap.

In the meantime, I still need Channel Bar (1), Handling Line (1), Rope Block (4), and Sandbag (4) for Duke's quest. Can you guys help me with those items first please?

Little Angel (level 27)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller.

Channel Bar (1), Handling Line (1), Rope Block (4), Sandbag (4), Stamp (1), Calculator (1), Bench (1), Video Board (1), Disposable Shampoo (4), Ergonomic Chair (5), Smoke Detector (2), Archive Box (2).

I can send you channel bar and video board when my gifts reset.
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Hi all,my clock has started on the airship mission. I need 4 rope blocks,4 sandbags and 1 channel bar. Thanks!
I've had a reply from gi about the username issue. Exactly as I predicted they said they are working on it and hope to eliminate the problem in the next update. No I'm not psychic,just used to the crashing disappointment that is gi support.
Then to add insult to injury they declared that they would mark my case as "solved"! Let's all try that shall we? Today I have "solved" all world problems. No,didn't work for me either! :)
L1ttle Angel said:

I'll send you a handling line after my gifts reset. Just return that handling line back to me, since I need 1 anyway.

Sorry I don't have handling lines. Can you just return the Chanel bar I'm sending you as I'm ok for handling lines.thanks.
And this was my response to them...

Dear Mary,
This issue has been around for a while and was supposed to be solved in the current Duke Crooker update. Just replying with a generic "it will be solved in the next update" message is seriously damaging the reputation of GI amongst users. Instead of constantly pushing new missions GI needs to fix this issue first as users are not prepared to part with real cash as long as the software is seriously flawed. People on the forums are livid about this. Please don't mark my case as "solved" because if it was solved I wouldn't be looking at 150 usernames where my friend list should be.
I understand that this isn't your fault personally,I would be grateful if you would pass my message up the chain of command to let them know the depth of feeling on this issue.
Sorry I don't have handling lines. Can you just return the Chanel bar I'm sending you as I'm ok for handling lines.thanks.


Sorry, I misunderstood you. Sian is going to send me Chanel Bar. So, can you send me video board instead then? Sian maybe can send you a Chanel Bar too. Aside from items for Duke's quest, is there anything else I can send you back?

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