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Airport City Trading Centre

jimghjj said:
Passengers sent to you captain!

Hmmm,I complain to gi and a couple of hours later all my names return,who knew I could wield such power? I think I'll go and buy a lottery ticket! :)

Do it! Whilst things r looking good u definitely shud. :)

captain flop (level 27)
L1ttle Angel said:

I can see all of you now and have sent the following:
Fannie: fuel
Sian & David: spare propeller
Jbg364: flight catering
Jimghjj2: passengers
Vibbster: packaging machine
FLjim: flight catering
Emma: handling line
Dano2010: landing lamp

I can still give out several more gifts. Please let me know what you need asap while I can still see all of you now.

If you still have some gifts left if would be great if you could send me some passengers. Thks a lot!
Barbara59 said:
Hi Esther

Please could you send Siannnnn a controller as she is upgrading her repair base.


Sian and David ( level 35 )

Sure! I will later as soon as my gifts reset. Can she pls send it in return? Thks a lot
EstherV said:
Sure! I will later as soon as my gifts reset. Can she pls send it in return? Thks a lot

Thx Esther but she already has it from flights now. She could not send it back anyway as it is not in her gift list.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Barbara59 said:
Hi Esther

Please could you send Siannnnn a controller as she is upgrading her repair base.


Sian and David ( level 35 )

Barbara - what should I send Sian?
jimghjj said:
And this was my response to them...

Dear Mary,
This issue has been around for a while and was supposed to be solved in the current Duke Crooker update. Just replying with a generic "it will be solved in the next update" message is seriously damaging the reputation of GI amongst users. Instead of constantly pushing new missions GI needs to fix this issue first as users are not prepared to part with real cash as long as the software is seriously flawed. People on the forums are livid about this. Please don't mark my case as "solved" because if it was solved I wouldn't be looking at 150 usernames where my friend list should be.
I understand that this isn't your fault personally,I would be grateful if you would pass my message up the chain of command to let them know the depth of feeling on this issue.

Love it!!!
L1ttle Angel said:

This is what I've sent so far:
FLjim & Sian & David: spare propeller
Provost76: amperemeter
Vibbster: air conditioner
Jimghjj2: landing gear
Esther & Porter029: passengers

Still have a few more to give. Let me know if you need anything from me.

Porter029, can you send me sand bag please?

Does anyone have rope block to give? I still need 4 of them.

Still trying to find you. So sorry it's taking so long but I did find Pingways the other day, so there's still hope! I think you have to fly for the rope blocks or buy them. Took me MANY flights to Bali and NY but I finally got them.
stewartsathome said:
Yep I got the we are marking your case as solved when I complained about the username issue too.

The "Gibbering Idiots" are not only "Grossly Incompetent" and "Generally Inadequate" but are probably "Greatly Inexperienced" and unlikely to be "Getting It" sorted anytime soon

captain flop (level 27)

You make me laugh! So our username issue goes on ad nauseum but at least we are keeping a sense of humor about it! I will be putting in a complaint today also!
jimghjj said:
Passengers sent to you captain!

Hmmm,I complain to gi and a couple of hours later all my names return,who knew I could wield such power? I think I'll go and buy a lottery ticket! :)

Buy one for me too Oh Powerful One!
Just readding usernames hopefully some of you will get a request from me as trying to get rid of today's gifts

lev 35 Need navigation mode,beacons,jars,fuel additives Can give lots of items just ask
jimghjj said:
And this was my response to them...

Dear Mary,
This issue has been around for a while and was supposed to be solved in the current Duke Crooker update. Just replying with a generic "it will be solved in the next update" message is seriously damaging the reputation of GI amongst users. Instead of constantly pushing new missions GI needs to fix this issue first as users are not prepared to part with real cash as long as the software is seriously flawed. People on the forums are livid about this. Please don't mark my case as "solved" because if it was solved I wouldn't be looking at 150 usernames where my friend list should be.
I understand that this isn't your fault personally,I would be grateful if you would pass my message up the chain of command to let them know the depth of feeling on this issue.

I just had a thought about this and would like everyones opinions. Is there a way we can send a group letter from a whole bunch of us on the forum to complain. If they get one letter, signed by 20-30 people (maybe more???) maybe it will have a bigger impact. I don't know how we set this up on the forum but there are some pretty savvy users out there who might know. What do you think?

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