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Airport City Trading Centre

Username Porter029 (level 30)

Need: dispatch console(2), ergonomic chair (2), calculator(3), controller(2), transmitter(3), air vent filters (3), tv panels (3) and passengers and fuel!

Have: sand bag, goal post, deicer, spare propeller, gyroscope, fuel hose, master plan, nav. Module, cooling chamber, flight catering, oscillating beacon, landing gear, server rack, spare wire, smoke detector, additional radar, drill machine, fuel additives, stapler, jet engine, fuel supply, flight helmet, powerful radio transmitter, passengers (10), bath towel, fuel (3), radar, landing lamp, welder, cockpit glass, air conditioner

My current airport has one level 4 runway, one big green building, one university, two stadiums, 6 hangers (red-1, orange-1, green-1, blue-3)

Will send an air vent filter in an hour or so.
Yep I got the we are marking your case as solved when I complained about the username issue too.

The "Gibbering Idiots" are not only "Grossly Incompetent" and "Generally Inadequate" but are probably "Greatly Inexperienced" and unlikely to be "Getting It" sorted anytime soon

captain flop (level 27)

You're really good at this - a whole sentence using GI!
Hi guys.

This is what I have just sent you, if you need something else tomorrow, please let me know.

Little AngelArchive box
Siannnnn Controller
I flyDeicer
Fannie fargoFuel
Super123Handling line
Dano2010gsLanding lamp
Jimghjj2Landing lamp
Pdxsk2Landing lamp
Sian & DavidPropeller
PingwaysSpare Wire
If you still have some gifts left if would be great if you could send me some passengers. Thks a lot!

I've been sending you passengers too. Let me know when you want me to send something different.
Just readding usernames hopefully some of you will get a request from me as trying to get rid of today's gifts

lev 35 Need navigation mode,beacons,jars,fuel additives Can give lots of items just ask

Will send navigation module shortly.
I just had a thought about this and would like everyones opinions. Is there a way we can send a group letter from a whole bunch of us on the forum to complain. If they get one letter, signed by 20-30 people (maybe more???) maybe it will have a bigger impact. I don't know how we set this up on the forum but there are some pretty savvy users out there who might know. What do you think?

If it's possible to do this, count me in! I've sent three complaints about the usernames and have gotten the 'next update' response every time.
I am now on the airship dock quest. Down to needing 2 sandbags and 2 rope blocks if anyone can gift them. If not landing lamps would be helpful.

Level 35

Will send landing lamps for the next few days. I went through a lot of them trying to get the rope blocks.
Frenetta said:
Buy one for me too Oh Powerful One!

If this lottery ticket wins I'm going to buy gi and you'll all get 24 hotline to support!

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