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Airport City Trading Centre

Hi Jim, thnx I have enough smoke detectors.
I'm currently trying to get amperemeter or hull parts. My delta needs repairing but I have to upgrade repair base first.
I'll send you catering as soon as my gifts reset. Sorry, still not able to send deicers :(


I can't help with those two items. I sent Passengers. If you don't need them now, you will when you get to the bigger aircraft.


This is what I'm about to send shortly (if I can find you):
Fannie: fuel
Sian & David & FL Jim: spare propeller
Vibbster: air conditioner
Pingways: landing lamp
Provost76: amperemeter

Jbg, please send me an air vent filter, since I never got this from anyone. Will see if I can get it this time.

Anyone else need anything that I have, let me know.

This is what I'm about to send shortly (if I can find you):
Fannie: fuel
Sian & David & FL Jim: spare propeller
Vibbster: air conditioner
Pingways: landing lamp
Provost76: amperemeter

Jbg, please send me an air vent filter, since I never got this from anyone. Will see if I can get it this time.

Anyone else need anything that I have, let me know.

I matched the photo I have of your airport (showing your username) with the airport I believe is yours (I can't see usernames but it also matches photo you posted of your 'old' airport) and sent a filter. If you don't get it I give up. I'm so frustrated I could pull my hair out. I've been trying to put in another complaint with GI and can't log onto their support site.
I just started another game on my android phone and I friended myself. I'm only showing up as level 15 on it, I'm level 25 now. What a difference!

have:, robotic lawn mower, air conditioner, cockpit glass, welder, landing light, projector, DND sign, powerful radio transmitter, jet engine, textbook, whiteboard, fuel additives, drill machine, additional. radar, smoke detector, spare wire, server rack, oscillating beacon, landing gear, flight catering, cooling chamber
EstherV said:
I feel the same as you: no way to get surfboard nor Bali crest. I am out of stock of landing lamps because of that!

I can send you landing lamps!
Jbg364 said:
I've been keeping track over the last few days and found that the players I gifted the previous day were at the bottom of my neighbour list when my gifts reset the next day. So, if I can't see usernames (which is almost always), I can find my 'regulars' at the bottom of my list without hunting through all of my neighbours. It definitely saves me a lot of time. Am curious if this works for anyone else.

I have that too. It's the only thing that keeps me sane!
Jbg364 said:
I have a couple of neighbours whose usernames I can see so I know exactly which gift I sent them. But, they didn't receive the gift. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me?

Not that I'm aware of.
Hi folks, i am building repair base lvl 4, i am looking for some things: laser cutter, lining plate, hull part, amperemetter, all of them i need 3 items for each, could not find out and dont have enuf money for buying. If you guys have, plz send meeee, many thanks folks.
Nhim beo
Need 2 textbooks for my flight school

Thanks for offer barbara but wont accept freind request, can i check your user name

Thanks for the googles
Bilove said:
Hi folks, i am building repair base lvl 4, i am looking for some things: laser cutter, lining plate, hull part, amperemetter, all of them i need 3 items for each, could not find out and dont have enuf money for buying. If you guys have, plz send meeee, many thanks folks.
Nhim beo

I will send hull parts later when my gifts reset

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Helmetz said:
Need 2 textbooks for my flight school

Thanks for offer barbara but wont accept freind request, can i check your user name

Thanks for the googles

My username is Sian and David

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Provost76 said:
Hi Jim, thnx I have enough smoke detectors.
I'm currently trying to get amperemeter or hull parts. My delta needs repairing but I have to upgrade repair base first.
I'll send you catering as soon as my gifts reset. Sorry, still not able to send deicers :(


I will send you hull parts later when my gifts reset

Sian and David ( level 35 )
You didnt send friend request to my android acount afyrfto. I can send you defrosters from there, not from ircro account.

Oh... ok, I will add the afyrfto account. I have now bought the the Defrosters.. But I'm sure you have something else I would like.. :) Do you prefer that I send gifts to your Ircro account or the afyrfto account?
I've been keeping track over the last few days and found that the players I gifted the previous day were at the bottom of my neighbour list when my gifts reset the next day. So, if I can't see usernames (which is almost always), I can find my 'regulars' at the bottom of my list without hunting through all of my neighbours. It definitely saves me a lot of time. Am curious if this works for anyone else.

Oh, hot tip! Will def. check that out today!

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