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Airport City Trading Centre

lilly2 said:
I foolishly tried to upgrade my duty free shop without knowing what was needed! For those still working on it...

Level 2 needs:
3 POS terminals (got them as gifts)
3 security cameras
3 anti theft
3 glass display

I don't know what level 3 needs. Vibbster do you know?

Also it seems like you have to get certain gifts within a specific time frame. I don't know what you get if you do. Coins?

I also made the mistake of thinking it was tied to the Christmas quest since they came out at a similar time. It isn't. So..... I'm mainly focusing on the Christmas quest. ...old lanterns being the most needed item. Although if anyone ever finds that they have sleigh covers, you should send them to everyone. (Trying to not spend cash - especially since I don't have much!)

I have you down for lanterns. Vibbster may have already answered this but you need 8 staff for DFS3. Looks like you have to fly for them.
stewartsathome said:
I hate this game!!!!!! Sorry was going to send you video board but as I was moving items along it just sent you something, I wasn't even near the send button. Sorry :( it's not the first time this happened to me

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)

I have done this too often myself!
Mrpepper said:
hmm, I don't know if I'm too late but I just updated my signature. I think I'll be able to send again in an hour or so. Thanks :)

What do u need? I can't see your signature

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)
What do u need? I can't see your signature

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)

I need: sleigh covers, old lanterns, spare wires, additional radars, fuel additives (in that order :)). I guess we both need the same things so maybe it's easiest to send lanterns and spare wires back and forth?

I can see my signature in a smaller print below my message (in a web browser), I'm not sure if it shows in the iPad app?
Ah another one with the dreaded extra repair slot that's never been used since the finger slip. I thought it was just me! :)

Add me to the list! There are enough of us now that we could start a support group.
Mrpepper said:
hmm, I don't know if I'm too late but I just updated my signature. I think I'll be able to send again in an hour or so. Thanks :)

Sorry. Looks like my gift was not on your updated list. I gift around this time every morning now so try to have your list updated a bit earlier and I'll try to get it right! :)
Fannie, just returned your Display glass.. or so I thought. Your pic was showing above the gift, so I press return. Now I still have you in my list, but with no pic? Did you not get it?
Mrpepper said:
I need: sleigh covers, old lanterns, spare wires, additional radars, fuel additives (in that order :)). I guess we both need the same things so maybe it's easiest to send lanterns and spare wires back and forth?

I can see my signature in a smaller print below my message (in a web browser), I'm not sure if it shows in the iPad app?

Sounds like a plan :) I can see signature now

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)
So, that gifting was almost fun with all the avatars!!!! I tried to concentrate more on keeping planes flying today unless you specifically requested something else. I know that my supplies are getting low, so I figure you guys must be low too.
Does anyone know if we can build and sell off ice rinks the way we did with the stadiums? I don't think I want more than one but I've got another ready to build and a place to build it.
Jbg, Fannie and Captain, do you want me to return the Glass Display??

Yes please, I have all I need for L2 DFS but if we need more for L3 I may as well start collecting now. Thanks! Made a note of your revised 'needs' for this evening.
Vibbster said:
Fannie, just returned your Display glass.. or so I thought. Your pic was showing above the gift, so I press return. Now I still have you in my list, but with no pic? Did you not get it?

No display case has arrived here. :(

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