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Airport City Trading Centre

Sorry. Looks like my gift was not on your updated list. I gift around this time every morning now so try to have your list updated a bit earlier and I'll try to get it right! :)

No problem, it's actually evening in Europe already and I got stuff from Cyprus during the day (but now sleigh covers whatsoever!). I'll send you a lantern when I can!
Jbg364 said:
Yes please, I have all I need for L2 DFS but if we need more for L3 I may as well start collecting now. Thanks! Made a note of your revised 'needs' for this evening.

I think we need "staff" for DFS3. If you go to http://airportcity.wikia.com/wiki/Building_requirements, it gives you all the buildings and what you need for them and where to fly to get them. Pretty handy reference tool.
Jbg364 said:
Gifts sent this evening: (1) Old Lantern - Little Angel, Fannie, Captain flop, Ircro, Spare.ribs, jimghjj2, Bloobuoy; (2) Propeller - Sian and David; (3) Sleigh Oil - Vibbster; (4) ATM - JackieFl, Stephatc34; (5) Glass Display Case - Provost79; (6) AI Bracelet - mastias, kyle

Thanks for the bracelet, I still 2 more please, what do you need?

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stewartsathome said:
Good morning all :) Here are the gifts sent from captain flops list:

Pingways, bloobuoy, jbg, Fannie Fargo - lanterns
Mastias (I think) - amperemeter
Vibbster, provost - glass display
Sian & David - propeller

Trying to find out what you need jim but if you don't get anything from me....give me a shout, when your about!

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)

Thanks about the amperemeter

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Vibbster said:
What kind of bracelet? I sent you a White gold one, do you in the all inc bracelet?

Thanks about all inc bracelet ;)
You have sent me that, and that's what i'm talking about
Just need 1 more

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Thanks for the bracelet, I still 2 more please, what do you need?

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You're welcome. Will send another this evening if I can. An Old Lantern would be great or if you happen to have an anti-theft gate that would be even better. It's the last item I need for my L2 Duty Free Shop.
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Vibbster said:
Hm.. I'll try to find a new one for you, just found one for Lilly2! Where is your pic? Lost it in my hood..

Display case just arrived. Thanks! That was the last one I needed!
Tonight ill be sending out a pos terminal if it stays there till it resets.. If you get one, try and return me one :)
Frenetta said:
So, that gifting was almost fun with all the avatars!!!! I tried to concentrate more on keeping planes flying today unless you specifically requested something else. I know that my supplies are getting low, so I figure you guys must be low too.
Does anyone know if we can build and sell off ice rinks the way we did with the stadiums? I don't think I want more than one but I've got another ready to build and a place to build it.

You can certainly do it with the ice palace so I don't see any reason why not.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need fuel hose, propeller or nav module.
Frenetta said:
I think we need "staff" for DFS3. If you go to http://airportcity.wikia.com/wiki/Building_requirements, it gives you all the buildings and what you need for them and where to fly to get them. Pretty handy reference tool.

Have seen that but I have built the level 3 DFS and there was nothing about staff.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need fuel hose, propeller or nav module.
Guy, This is what I sent today. Please let me know if you want to change the order for tomorrow

Deicer - Ircro / Jament
Glass Display - Little Angel (will send lantern tmw) / Fannie / Lilly2 / Sian & D (sorry if this is what you got.. There was a mess with pics, will send you propeller tmw)
Lantern - Captain / MrPepper / Jbg
Makeup - Fred
Master Plan - Provost
Nav Mod - OlaTomek
Sec Cam - Jdm, EstherV
Video Board - Jimghjj2

I Need: Duty free items (Makeup, White Gold Bracelet, skin care, chocolate, whiskey, cognac, Perfume, pearls), additional radar, beacon, fuel hose, deicer
Have seen that but I have built the level 3 DFS and there was nothing about staff.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need fuel hose, propeller or nav module.

Not for me neither. 4 Glass Displays, 4 POS, 4 computers and 4 something else...

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