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Airport City Trading Centre

Shame, shame Luke...... Don't feel too bad. If I had been able to join today, I probably would have done something to mess it up too!!!

I know, it's like something comes over me when I start adding points. I can't control myself!
G'day All. This is my first visit to a forum. I am in search of 4 Space Launch Consoles. I have the following items that I can send as gifts. Radar, sandbag, bath towel, video wall, flight goggles, filled candies, wide angle binoculars, drill machine, Communications Antenna, white gold bracelet, lining plate, cooling chamber, master plan, fuel hose, gyroscope, spare wire, controller. Any assistance would be really appreciated. Thanks. Andrew
G'day All. This is my first visit to a forum. I am in search of 4 Space Launch Consoles. I have the following items that I can send as gifts. Radar, sandbag, bath towel, video wall, flight goggles, filled candies, wide angle binoculars, drill machine, Communications Antenna, white gold bracelet, lining plate, cooling chamber, master plan, fuel hose, gyroscope, spare wire, controller. Any assistance would be really appreciated. Thanks. Andrew

Welcome! Unfortunately, the launch consoles can't be gifted. You'll either have to buy them or you can fly for them. In order to get the consoles from flights, you'll be sent to complete a series of tasks after you've completed the Dark Side of the Moon collection. The consoles become available on flights after you finish the tasks. Several of us on the forum got them from flights - it took me about 3 days of constant flying but you know what the drop rates can be like so . . . Add me as a neighbour if you'd like. My username is Jbg364.
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Wish I could have seen their faces!!!

What is interesting on the rewards is those that came 4th with 200 points are also in same position as 4th to 10th with only the 11th position who joined late showing a different reward as below


lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
Will be launching in 13 hours 23 mins be interesting how busy the pad will be :) as everyone finishes ...

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
Sorry Fred, did send you a sparewire instead of a fuel hose. Bit sleepie still I think. Dreamt of 11 persons in one rocket and- even worse- one lander
What is interesting on the rewards is those that came 4th with 200 points are also in same position as 4th to 10th with only the 11th position who joined late showing a different reward as below

View attachment 40218

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

Good morning all!
I read a record from the flight data recorder when your common launch was over, but believe me - I was thrilled and hooked as much as (I suppose) you were. Fred was great flight leader - did not loose his cool head and made a brave decision to recalculate points and exclude one participant after Luke's snag. It was ready to use script for a good thriller movie: there were unexpected turning points, obstacles, missing heroes... Luckily nothing exploded in the end :)
Please confirm: who's got the golden box? Only the first one (Fred I suppose)?
Welcome! Unfortunately, the launch consoles can't be gifted. You'll either have to buy them or you can fly for them. In order to get the consoles from flights, you'll be sent to complete a series of tasks after you've completed the Dark Side of the Moon collection. The consoles become available on flights after you finish the tasks. Several of us on the forum got them from flights - it took me about 3 days of constant flying but you know what the drop rates can be like so . . . Add me as a neighbour if you'd like. My username is Jbg364.

I managed to get 3 consoles during one spy glass session (6 hours), but spent a lot of fuel to speed the planes.
Good morning all!
I read a record from the flight data recorder when your common launch was over, but believe me - I was thrilled and hooked as much as (I suppose) you were. Fred was great flight leader - did not loose his cool head and made a brave decision to recalculate points and exclude one participant after Luke's snag. It was ready to use script for a good thriller movie: there were unexpected turning points, obstacles, missing heroes... Luckily nothing exploded in the end :)
Please confirm: who's got the golden box? Only the first one (Fred I suppose)?

Yes Fred has the golden box.

Sian and David (level 40) need nav module, fuel hose or heart shaped candies. Thanks
I finally achieved the space travel monument which increases the total number of passengers by 20.
It sits within the airfield side of the airport so it's easier to find the space to put it.
Does anyone know whether there's anything else to gain in doing more space flights or can I relax over the weekend? Nutty.


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