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Airport City Trading Centre

Neighbour requests sent to: Bernardngo, Nuttyuk

Got it and accepted. What can I send you?

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need jet engines, tires, seats, fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
We can do a group launch during the week also if you guys wanted. I think it would be fun to have a daily launch.

I can join anyone that's launching on pad 2 in about 2 hours.

Thanks for the landing gear, what do you need in return?

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need jet engines, tires, seats, fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
hope it was a succesful launch.
thanks troglodor for the server racks. i need no more.
nuttyuk,i have sent you a friend request.
is 40 the highest level in this game.
can anyone send TEXTBOOKS or dispatcher consoles.
i got 2 things for the NULL collection and 3 for 'darker side of the moon' collection from alien legacy,research labs and another unknown building of my fantastic neighbours with fascinating cities
and lastly to make you laugh, i know i had asked you a bunch of boring questions.:p
updated my signature.
i think all are tired out with the launch. i see only frenetta and troglodyte online on this page. on other days, i see almost everyone online at this time.
Last edited:
i think all are tired out with the launch. i see only frenetta and troglodyte online on this page. on other days, i see almost everyone online at this time.

Can do textbooks, will send when gifts reset.

iPad - Troglodyte69, iPhone - Troglodyte96, I need flight stuff & duty frees, please.
Can do textbooks, will send when gifts reset.

iPad - Troglodyte69, iPhone - Troglodyte96, I need flight stuff & duty frees, please.

your server racks were required as i could get them from no flights. i need 2 textbooks. that will be enough for my flight school. i will again tell you when i need something
Duke crooker(sky merchant) has given me to collect 4 channel bars. Got 2 of them. 2 more channel bars are welcome from anyone who can send them.

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