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Airport City Trading Centre

We can do a group launch during the week also if you guys wanted. I think it would be fun to have a daily launch.

I can join anyone that's launching on pad 2 in about 2 hours.

I joined USBourkes launch a little while ago 364/2000 on pad 2. Going slow, 23.5 hours to go. You can have first

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need jet engines, tires, seats, fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
I didn't join as I basically got back from pub late lol!! I'm gonn start a launch on the old pad soon do feel free to join this one just the same! If there's a few I will stay it tomorrow if needed

I realized we weren't neighbors so I sent a friend request.
I'll need to lay down in a dark room after all this commotion.

I think I'll settle for a glass of wine and a hot bath with the Sunday paper.

Good effort everyone and thanks to Fred for the fun.

Over and out from Nutty.

I sent a friend request.
I have a launch started on pad 1 if anyone is interested.

add me Shay beck. lvl 29
Hi all!

so I see the result of the launch wow! 15 in !!!! Tanks Fred for the ride.

we must check the outcome, please write down what you have got. there is:
1golden box
2 silver
7 bronze
5 iron

when you tap on the box, before opening it, it tells you what it is supposed to contain.
I just launched 10' ago, so it will take longer for me.

qi guess thatvall togeter, at least for the 10 first one, the total number of collectio n item,will be larger than if there were only a few people in the launch, so it might be a good collective strategy, while ideally would be to make it only with slow and low points items. the bottleneck would the be the stuff needed for starting the launc...
We got 15 with first 10 getting a bigger box so that must be the limit may be, ok next sunday 80 max so we can get 25 on board thanks for the fun ... See you in space

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

Congrats on succesful launch for all!
When you launched I've been speeding my planes to get single wheat and join, but got no one. No wheat, no victory :)
What does it mean that first 10 got a bigger box? Did first 10 participants get a golden box, or was it like usual: 1st - golden one, 2nd and 3rd - silver, 4th to 10th - bronze and what's the prize for 11th and further positions?
Congrats on succesful launch for all!
When you launched I've been speeding my planes to get single wheat and join, but got no one. No wheat, no victory :)
What does it mean that first 10 got a bigger box? Did first 10 participants get a golden box, or was it like usual: 1st - golden one, 2nd and 3rd - silver, 4th to 10th - bronze and what's the prize for 11th and further positions?

It looks like it is as you suggest Rob with the last few getting something that looks like iron (or whatever metal comes after bronze)...it's dark blue coloured.
It looks like it is as you suggest Rob with the last few getting something that looks like iron (or whatever metal comes after bronze)...it's dark blue coloured.

It's probably plastic knowing GI,

iPad - Troglodyte69, iPhone - Troglodyte96, I need flight stuff & duty frees, please.

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