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Airport City Trading Centre

My game seems to have decided to go on strike. It is dropping nothing. Nothing from flights. Nothing from visiting planes. I have closed it down completely and so far, no change. I will keep going. Maybe just a bad spell. Or maybe GI strikes again!!!!

Agreed, maybe 12 planes and 30 or so visiting planes...not one thing! Space is definitely more fun!

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need power amplifer, spotlight,fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, biker jacker and bright lantern? thanks
No problem. Lets try for 3.25 hours from now. The more the merrier! Are you home Fred?

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need power amplifer, spotlight,fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, biker jacker and bright lantern? thanks

I am now parents evening was more like 5 min dating evening talk to you kids teachers in 5 mins slots in a hall full of them so you could not hear a thing they said
Yea I will Jon your leach my best drop rates are from London using one plane Nd speeding it up with spy glass on in less than day got 3 of everything

lv40 167 stars. Quest items please and fuel hoses
I think the missing link in this quest is the amplifier.
Is anyone able to send this
I think we have to fly this one, and knowing GI, it wil take days perhaps weeks

Drop from London or Bali great

lv40 167 stars. Quest items please and fuel hoses
My own. I haven't been able to visit yet today.

I haven't built one due to a major shortage of remaining land. Hoping I can just do it with visiting and the gifts of my dear friends. Don't know how realistic this is as we need 100 of them!!!
Agreed, maybe 12 planes and 30 or so visiting planes...not one thing! Space is definitely more fun!

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need power amplifer, spotlight,fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, biker jacker and bright lantern? thanks

I was hoping it was only me :(

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