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Airport City Trading Centre

Just got my first amplifier from bali. It seems rather simple

No amplifier but finally got something. And a guest plane finally gave me some instruments after a whole slew of them landed with nothing (except plane parts)!
No amplifier but finally got something. And a guest plane finally gave me some instruments after a whole slew of them landed with nothing (except plane parts)!

Yes I agree life ain't easy. But din't start drinking like some others at the forum, unless its something very healthy
My beloved gang of freaks! I'll be leaving tomorrow till Sunday evening with limited access to internet. Please feel free to send me gifts during that time, for standard items just send what you want and I will return it. Regarding rock rock quest items I'll send Haze Machine for each.
I will fully reciprocate after my return in more civilised area ;)
Have fun! I'm just horrified about number of post to read after my return ;)

Have fun!
I haven't built one due to a major shortage of remaining land. Hoping I can just do it with visiting and the gifts of my dear friends. Don't know how realistic this is as we need 100 of them!!!

I can send you a jacket every day, so that makes 14. Shouldn't be a problem to get a few more people and you're set!
I can send you a jacket every day, so that makes 14. Shouldn't be a problem to get a few more people and you're set!

Thanks Janie! I think I will sell a stadium and build 1 campground. That way it helps both me and my visitors. I can always sell it later!
You mean I can complete a quest. Crosses fingers. I hope so :)

captain flop (level 37) New items for time to rock quest duty free items,passengers, fuel. Thank you, I love u all ;). I have haze machine and biker jacket

I'll keep mine crossed for you as well. Perhaps we can a celebratory Costa!

Sian and David (level 40) need biker jackets. Have haze machine.
My beloved gang of freaks! I'll be leaving tomorrow till Sunday evening with limited access to internet. Please feel free to send me gifts during that time, for standard items just send what you want and I will return it. Regarding rock rock quest items I'll send Haze Machine for each.
I will fully reciprocate after my return in more civilised area ;)
Have fun! I'm just horrified about number of post to read after my return ;)

Travel safe. We will miss you.

Sian and David (level 40) need biker jackets. Have haze machine.

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