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Airport City Trading Centre

Ahaha, I admit I keep it under my pillow and have been known to set an alarm on occasion to turn some planes around. Yikes!

Hi, my name is....and I have am a recovering...oh forget it, I want a Space Launch...it's just sitting there!

Bernardngo level 40, 148 stars. Need long distance items only: fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, and jacket .thanks
I can handle the fuel additives if you want let me know if you want something different, I still need lots of jackets, I will let you know when I have enough.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.

I will only be able to return what you send for the next bunch of days so why don't you send jackets as we both need those.
Excellent. You bring your muffins and I'll bring my macaroons. Or maybe we need something stronger!

Sian and David (level 40) need landing lamps or fuel additives. Thank you

Wait till I get back. I want some of Barbara's macaroons!
Thought I would go with a cat theme for the moment, better than a blank, now if someone could tell me how to change it in the game that would be great.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.

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