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Airport City Trading Centre

Thanks for taking the time to show me.

My lander is due back after 8 pm tonight as is Janie's.

If you want to try and arrange a pad 1 launch for after that then I'm up for it. Let me know and I'll keep the rocket grounded until yours returns.

Are you flying to the observatory's? Perhaps increasing flights to the space destinations may help.

Its Isotonic drinks I'm after. As you can only visit one training centre per visit I find these the hardest to find.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs Server Racks & video walls to complete his mission control centre. Thanks.

You can get isotonic drinks from neighbours residential buildings as well. If you click on it in the collection it will show which ones - it's a long list.

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need additional radar, spare wire, landing lamps or fuel additives. Thank you
You can get isotonic drinks from neighbours residential buildings as well. If you click on it in the collection it will show which ones - it's a long list.

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need additional radar, spare wire, landing lamps or fuel additives. Thank you

Ok thanks for letting me know.

In the past I've tended to click on all the space buildings in hope of launch ready's.

I'll give it a go today and see how I get on.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs Server Racks & video walls to complete his mission control centre. Thanks.
You're gone and I can't readd you I'm afraid :(

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need additional radar, spare wire, landing lamps or fuel additives. Thank you

Sorry. :( why can't gi move the delete button?
Hi guys, back in business again. After last weekend camoing, I thought I could live without AC. But........perhaps its possible to live without the game, but I miss you all..........So I did start again.
Anyone launching at his moment?
I will switch to the other page

BTW is the theme of avatars changed? Don't want to read all teh 40 pages you all created last week:p

Hope you had a good vacation.
Cheers Trog, that's as big (expansion) as it allows at the moment. I've more greenies than I know what to do with. Shame I can't gift them to others.

If you can send him a server rack and a video wall that would be most appreciated. I'm going to add him into my sig. Pity the pad app doesn't let you have a detailed signature. I'll have to do it via my laptop.

He's already had a couple of dispatch consoles through flight to Bali.

I'm hoping when his mission control is up and running then the ugly Alien may be easier to come by. Couldn't for the life of me get a 3rd on pad 1 yesterday.

If you fancy taking it in turns on 1st 2nd & 3rds on pad 1 let me know. I know Janie would be interested in joining us she is in the same boat to.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present.

Fine. I will send a video wall to your son.
I have noticed something. For some drop lists of flights, the blue down arrow partially fades when we come to the end of the list but for some, it remains dark. But the list finishes there. Maybe it means that the drop list is going to have new things added as we level up. If it is so, it might help us to understand and sell our planes.
I have my gifts resetting in an unsuitable time now. I will be sending a bit late today and around 20 hrs late for some other day. Sorry.
I have sent FRs to some of you from ipad. I am not that advanced as I am in my iphone.
Evening all!

both Troglodyte69 (iPad) & Troglodyte96 (iPhone), need flight stuff, fuel adds, deicer etc. please.

Lol! I love your twist on our themes

captain flop (level 40) passengers, duty free - especially single malt. Thank you, I love u all ;)
Hi guys,

I need one more power amplifier and i am done for the fuel station! Username gtp1

Thanks in advance

Welcome I have a Friend request from a gtft is that you ?

Needs; nothing sending me what you need and I will return it eventually on a 2 day gift cycle
To all those who will be accepting my request on ipad. I dont play much there. I usually have my iphone handy.
I am thinking of linking both the games to access both on any one. I want abababababab to prevail. Any help is appreciated.
I seem to be getting a lot of visitors collecting from my VIP Lounges. Has anyone had success getting a bow-tie drop from a neighbours Lounge? I thought they only dropped from your own...

Go visit your neighbors lounges! You'll be done in 2 days.
I've just had a friends request from 'Sexyways' . Lol

That has to be the strangest airport name ever.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs Server Racks & video walls to complete his mission control centre. Thanks.
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