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Airport City Trading Centre

I've just had a friends request from 'Sexyways' . Lol

That has to be the strangest airport name ever.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs Server Racks & video walls to complete his mission control centre. Thanks.

Haha. Strange name. Does his username describe his/her airport?
Haha. Strange name. Does his username describe his/her airport?

Not in the slightest. The airport is at the early stage of its life. Level 13 I think.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs Server Racks & video walls to complete his mission control centre. Thanks.
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Hi guys, I have a VIP lounge and will have another one in about 12 hours. If I have space I'll try to build another one or a retro.

<CGImage 0x1e24b600>
Hi guys, I have a VIP lounge and will have another one in about 12 hours. If I have space I'll try to build another one or a retro.

<CGImage 0x1e24b600>

Retros are costly but more efficient as the drop rate is 100%. So if you ask our opinion, its a retro though it takes more time.
Aw my signature isn't showing up. It says there's a picture, but I didn't upload one; I can't even see it.

<CGImage 0x1e24b600>
Hi guys, I have a VIP lounge and will have another one in about 12 hours. If I have space I'll try to build another one or a retro.

<CGImage 0x1e24b600>

Don't take up too much of your space. This quest is easy to finish by visiting your neighbors. There are lots of us out there already who have the buildings. Just visit us and save your land for the next quest.

Send what you need and I'll return it. Happy flying!
Not yet conpleted the quest but it is going well. Hope to complete it by day after tomorrow. 24 bow ties and 8 movies remaining. I will build the building after buying land.
I've just had a friends request from 'Sexyways' . Lol

That has to be the strangest airport name ever.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs Server Racks & video walls to complete his mission control centre. Thanks.

Have accepted your son's add request. I don't have server racks or video walls. Is there anything in my gift list he can use?
Lol! I love your twist on our themes

captain flop (level 40) passengers, duty free - especially single malt. Thank you, I love u all ;)

Thanks, always have been a little twisted!

both Troglodyte69 (iPad) & Troglodyte96 (iPhone), need flight stuff, fuel adds, deicer etc. please.
I've just had a friends request from 'Sexyways' . Lol

That has to be the strangest airport name ever.

Looking for Fuel Hoses at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs Server Racks & video walls to complete his mission control centre. Thanks.

They must be a forum fan, I've had requests from them on both my games. Come on "Sexyways" own up who are you?

both Troglodyte69 (iPad) & Troglodyte96 (iPhone), need flight stuff, fuel adds, deicer etc. please.
Can anyone see my new avatar in the game? I'm still trying to get this fake FB thing figured out and GI is being oh so helpful! They keep telling me my problem is solved and yet they've done absolutely nothing. Sound familiar????
Can anyone see my new avatar in the game? I'm still trying to get this fake FB thing figured out and GI is being oh so helpful! They keep telling me my problem is solved and yet they've done absolutely nothing. Sound familiar????


Does this answer your question?

captain flop (level 40) passengers, duty free - especially single malt. Thank you, I love u all ;)
Can anyone see my new avatar in the game? I'm still trying to get this fake FB thing figured out and GI is being oh so helpful! They keep telling me my problem is solved and yet they've done absolutely nothing. Sound familiar????

You are still a yellow chick in mine.

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need additional radar, spare wire, landing lamps or fuel additives. Thank you
For those who have finished the quest what do you get?

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume

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