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Are you buying the iPad 2?

Are you buying an iPad 2?

  • Yes, Definitely!

    Votes: 389 75.1%
  • No

    Votes: 73 14.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 56 10.8%

  • Total voters
Picked up an iPad wifi model a few weeks ago... after realizing the wifi model didn't have A-GPS, I sent it back.

I'll be getting a 3g iPad2 next week.
Mine is less than a week old. I could return it and get the iPad 2 but that seems like a hassle. I'm thinking that will cost more in time and hassle. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pass - in addition to my other issues with Apple, the lack of increased storage is a huge disappointment.

My gf, on the other hand, called to say she plans to have the new one by next week... ;)
Just got mine as a bday gift in November. It does all need so I see no benefit in upgrading. Maybe next year when part 3 is released.
I don't understand the new camera additions at all. I would never use my iPad for taking photos, my Android Smartphone takes sufficient hi-res pictures with a flash should I need it. The ipad's form is too bulky to use as a camera.

What would have made sense was for Apple to put the hi-res sensor on the screen side for hi-res FaceTime. That would have made a lot more sense. Instead Apple has gone and followed it's competitors (who will offer much higher resolution sensors in their products). As it is I would never use the camera features and my iPad 1 does everything I need it to do brilliantly. Upgrading seems pointless unless you're a hardcore gamer.

iPad 3 wish list
1) High resolution FaceTime camera
2) Retina Display
3) 16:10 aspect ratio
4) True multi-tasking
5) Safari tabs
6) 4G support
still on the fence about getting the ipad 2, I just got my ipad in January, Do I really need all the new features the Ipad2 has.. thinking
Most Definitely!

I will be buying an iPad 2 in black with a leather SmartCover.. now to decide between the dark blue, black, or the tan.

Our family was at least one iPad short anyways, with all of us taking turns using our current iPad. It will be nice having my own iPad again, lol
I've only had mine since November and very happy with it. For me, there is no reason to upgrade at the moment, I will wait for 3.
Will go for the dark blue leather myself.
Want that camera for all those scraps of paper on my desk. Bang straight into evernote on the way to the waste basket.
Steve Jobs did the one thing that could get me hooked on the
ipad 2. He focused on video editing. I am hooked, lined and sinkered.
Only getting the iPad 2 because my wife wants an iPad. If not for that we would just stay with the ipad1 as there is not enough change for an upgrade.
Then buy Android simple answer and you will get flash ... But guarantee you will find some thing on that platform you will not like.
No, this is the year I switch from pc to Mac. My money is going to that. My iPad is only a bit over 6 months old and does everything I need for now. I never really planned on upgrading to the iPad 2 anyway..... I'll wait for 3!

Sent from my 16GB wifi iPad using iPF
Someone needs to stop me lol I was one of the ones saying I would not get rid of mine just to get the ipad2 because of a camera, but now knowing what else it has, ugh I really want the ipad2!! lol

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