iPF Noob
I contacted apple today about the issues with the new update and they agreed it was unfair and now that I am unable to use my purchases the rep refunded all he could to me for what I spent on the game. I have in iTunes Store credit alone $275 and about double that going back to my Visa. They agreed that the game has changed significantly by the description I gave and all I had to explain via chat was that my purchases were now useless unless I spent more money and I thought it was unfair for all of the senior players to be punished for an update. The apple itunes support person agreed and said he would refund all of my purchases that he could for Big Business. I hate that a game I have loved has such horrible customer service that we as customers have to go to apple in order to be compensated. I hope GI realizes what they've done and will fix it for those that will keep playing. I would have to see a major update to the happiness issue to play the game any longer. I will keep my eyes open for an update but I am sure GI will have me on the restrictions list lol
City: player level 52 Player name: and I am from rural Maine. Tools are always appreciated for upgrading buildings.
Hi Germanmajor,
are you originally from Germany?