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Big Business - game discussion

I contacted apple today about the issues with the new update and they agreed it was unfair and now that I am unable to use my purchases the rep refunded all he could to me for what I spent on the game. I have in iTunes Store credit alone $275 and about double that going back to my Visa. They agreed that the game has changed significantly by the description I gave and all I had to explain via chat was that my purchases were now useless unless I spent more money and I thought it was unfair for all of the senior players to be punished for an update. The apple itunes support person agreed and said he would refund all of my purchases that he could for Big Business. I hate that a game I have loved has such horrible customer service that we as customers have to go to apple in order to be compensated. I hope GI realizes what they've done and will fix it for those that will keep playing. I would have to see a major update to the happiness issue to play the game any longer. I will keep my eyes open for an update but I am sure GI will have me on the restrictions list lol

City: player level 52 Player name: and I am from rural Maine. Tools are always appreciated for upgrading buildings.

Hi Germanmajor,
are you originally from Germany?
Didn't realize bells used to get the Lincoln Memorial are taken out of the total to get the Whitehouse. Beware.

Expect to spend a lot of city credits to get the whitehouse. I get 5 bells a day because I don't spend city credits and will have maybe 30 bells at the end. It will cost 5 city credits per bell so that's 150 city credits. Money is spent more wisely on electricity in in my opinion.
I am flummoxed! I have been in the UK, Ireland, and Toroonto, so I have had spotty internet. I like the "Own goal" comment. How could GI shoot themselves in the foot like this? I need to get to 1.1 million pop to build a factory?!? Wow. I thought i needed 7000 to get to 225,000 to get another factory, but no. How could i possibly get the electricity? I have power troubles now and had to spend some cash to build a few.

I had 4 batteries from xmas, so i recharged 4x and wound up 1 confetti short with 2 minutes left, so i spent 6 credits to get one more. Got the big package. I still think that there is no way to achieve the goals. I will test megeopolis to see if i will switch over. So sad that i have really enjoyed filling ships at the port, although i hated spending 2 weeks for the steel details.

Extreme disappointment. What to do?

Uk, i filled 2 plush bunnies and will have your 3rd in 2 hrs if no one fills it for you.
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I can't believe GI wasn't smart enough to realize that making a major change to the game (counting the factories in storage toward population requirements) would be bad for business. Do they not have beta testers? Even if the change was simply meant to fix an error, they should have at least considered the impact upon the players. I guess the thing that bugs me most is that the greatest impact is on their best customers, while freeloaders like myself are basically unaffected.

(Player Name: Fred Diggitz / City Name: Stank Biscuit / Level: 36 / From: Raleigh, NC, USA)
Just noticed another programming shortcut that GI took. Your energy bar clock automatically resets to 3:00 whenever you return to the game. Try leaving the game when the clock is at 5 seconds, waiting 2 minutes, then returning. You will have 1 more energy, but your energy clock will read 3:00 instead of 1:00 like it should.

(Player Name: Fred Diggitz / City Name: Stank Biscuit / Level: 37 / From: Raleigh, NC, USA)
I can't believe GI wasn't smart enough to realize that making a major change to the game (counting the factories in storage toward population requirements) would be bad for business. Do they not have beta testers? Even if the change was simply meant to fix an error, they should have at least considered the impact upon the players. I guess the thing that bugs me most is that the greatest impact is on their best customers, while freeloaders like myself are basically unaffected.

(Player Name: Fred Diggitz / City Name: Stank Biscuit / Level: 36 / From: Raleigh, NC, USA)

I think the biggest impact is not on the top players, but ones who have invested most on the storage. They are forcing those players to buy happiness. If you have noticed, the happiness buildings are for the majority purchased for city credits. Before, you could enter a contest to earn a building for high happiness points. The other way to get the happiness is to use the silver medals and coins or city credits. My game play now is to store up on silver medals which I can place at will up to 4 a day without too much effort. Next time the offer is available to purchase the high happiness value and low electricity requirement I will buy as many as I can. I wanted to buy another mine and cosmetic factory and the electronics plant but that will have to wait. I also wanted to buy the specialty shops. The higher players already have them, so this does not affect them as much as you would think. I Also think that the factories in storage will become more available as you add happiness, not the happiness value to buy a new factory. I am near 200k in happiness and my opinion is that 1 more factory can be placed in the game from storage when I get to 200k. I will keep this forum posted on that theory. I will give GI another couple of days to reconsider their blunder.
I think the biggest impact is not on the top players, but ones who have invested most on the storage. They are forcing those players to buy happiness. If you have noticed, the happiness buildings are for the majority purchased for city credits. Before, you could enter a contest to earn a building for high happiness points. The other way to get the happiness is to use the silver medals and coins or city credits. My game play now is to store up on silver medals which I can place at will up to 4 a day without too much effort. Next time the offer is available to purchase the high happiness value and low electricity requirement I will buy as many as I can. I wanted to buy another mine and cosmetic factory and the electronics plant but that will have to wait. I also wanted to buy the specialty shops. The higher players already have them, so this does not affect them as much as you would think. I Also think that the factories in storage will become more available as you add happiness, not the happiness value to buy a new factory. I am near 200k in happiness and my opinion is that 1 more factory can be placed in the game from storage when I get to 200k. I will keep this forum posted on that theory. I will give GI another couple of days to reconsider their blunder.

If you want to place an additional factory from your storage, the happiness requirement is the same as if you were constructing a new one. So, if you have high requirements there is no way you can ever place more factories, new or old. If you decide to demolish some, hoping to build something else, like, for example, electronics plant, you might find out you need to demolish a lot, and keep in mind that you will be unable to rebuild whatever you demolished. So, if you have many factories in storage, it does not make sense to destroy many in order to build one. The most affected payers are those who did not have time to build multiple farms, ranches etc because they cannot hope to successfully compete with us in the contests. They will never grow big enough.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}
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I think the biggest impact is not on the top players, but ones who have invested most on the storage. They are forcing those players to buy happiness. If you have noticed, the happiness buildings are for the majority purchased for city credits. Before, you could enter a contest to earn a building for high happiness points. The other way to get the happiness is to use the silver medals and coins or city credits. My game play now is to store up on silver medals which I can place at will up to 4 a day without too much effort. Next time the offer is available to purchase the high happiness value and low electricity requirement I will buy as many as I can. I wanted to buy another mine and cosmetic factory and the electronics plant but that will have to wait. I also wanted to buy the specialty shops. The higher players already have them, so this does not affect them as much as you would think. I Also think that the factories in storage will become more available as you add happiness, not the happiness value to buy a new factory. I am near 200k in happiness and my opinion is that 1 more factory can be placed in the game from storage when I get to 200k. I will keep this forum posted on that theory. I will give GI another couple of days to reconsider their blunder.

For me to build another factory I need over 1.1 mil in population...I am at 197,000 now...how long do you think it will take to get that kind of population, land and electricity? Does GI think I will buy buildings with only 4800 population? And is there even enough land for all those entertainment, electric plants? GI killed the game for us. Lower level players won't be able to compete in the contests against all the players who have the ability to move factories in and out of storage. The higher players can't add any more factories because of the outlandish population requirements. I know I will be saving money from this update on. I will use my credits when I need to but not to buy anymore buildings. And I am still collecting rulers and haven't gotten any. So why should I buy any more credits as I can't use them on buildings anymore.
If you want to place an additional factory from your storage, the happiness requirement is the same as if you were constructing a new one. So, if you have high requirements there is no way you can ever place more factories, new or old. If you decide to demolish some, hoping to build something else, like, for example, electronics plant, you might find out you need to demolish a lot, and keep in mind that you will be unable to rebuild whatever you demolished. So, if you have many factories in storage, it does not make sense to destroy many in order to build one. The most affected payers are those who did not have time to build multiple farms, ranches etc because they cannot hope to successfully compete with us in the contests. They will never grow big enough.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}

Did you try going to what your next happiness level would of been to place the factory in storage to active status? I am hoping you are wrong on this. I have only 3 farms, 2 mills and 2 confectionary but 8 farms and 8 ranches so I do we'll in those related factories. I actually destroyed a mill so that I could move my factories around, that is why I am saying I should be able to place another factory. I should be at 200k this week so we will see then. I have 18 storage slots so it will be a long time to buy a new factory.
Working on my large gift using summer's strategy. At 360 with 1 hr 13 minutes left. And an empty bar

I used a battery and replenished twice with stored city credits. I also leveled up that gave me a fresh bar.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
For me to build another factory I need over 1.1 mil in population...I am at 197,000 now...how long do you think it will take to get that kind of population, land and electricity? Does GI think I will buy buildings with only 4800 population? And is there even enough land for all those entertainment, electric plants? GI killed the game for us. Lower level players won't be able to compete in the contests against all the players who have the ability to move factories in and out of storage. The higher players can't add any more factories because of the outlandish population requirements. I know I will be saving money from this update on. I will use my credits when I need to but not to buy anymore buildings. And I am still collecting rulers and haven't gotten any. So why should I buy any more credits as I can't use them on buildings anymore.

Agreed, I only spent $10 so far so it's not an issue with me.
Working on my large gift using summer's strategy. At 360 with 1 hr 13 minutes left. And an empty bar

I used a battery and replenished twice with stored city credits. I also leveled up that gave me a fresh bar.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

How often will you go for 400?
My quest for a large gift is getting crazy. Seems like the double drop are almost non existent. 45 minute left or 15 drops and I need 21. This will be close I may need to spend more earned credits

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

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