How many factories do you have in storage? What is your requirement for building a new factory? Before the update placing anything additional from the storage required the same level of happiness as building a new factory. I was increasing pop and placing more and more buildings from my storage. Do you think they changed the rules so now we have two different sets of requirements, one for the stored factories and another for the new construction? I seriously doubt that.
I remain highly competitive, with 10 farms, 9 ranches, 4 dairies, 7 confectionaries, 6 mills, 2 weaving factories and 2 sawmills, all fully upgraded, let alone the advanced plants and premium shops. Every time I care to participate in a contest, I place without much effort. Every time there is an event requiring production I am done in a jiffy. I am not demolishing these useful facilities to build a useless electronics plant or an equally useless balalaika restaurant. I will never be able to build another plant and that means I have no incentive to grow my city, upgrade entertainment buildings or build new ones. My next pop requirement is 1,433,000, screw that.
{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}