I've been trying to find out how to activate the battery for ages. Let's hope somebody gets an intelligible response - at the moment I need energy not only for the Santa's Letters task and the "Majestic" modules challenges - I'm also on task 2 of part 3 of the hydroplant challenge - ie. I need to collect 1000 energy! Sometimes I wonder if the battery is something they created and then forgot completely about (which is why tapping on the energy indicator just has whatserface pop up offering to replenish you for 6 city credits). A bit like buckwheat (I mean, why? What's it for? Other than occasional port requirements??? Same goes for half the stuff from the sawmill and paper mills by the way; at least everything from the ranches can be used somehow or the other as an ingredient of something else!). Or a "new idea" that just seemed to fizzle out, like those blueprint pieces that were in the trunks that were virtually impossible to open in time during the construction tasks. Did anyone here ever actually get a complete set of blueprints? Does anyone actually have a nanogenerator, or a film studio, or a theatre?
No keys, no lenses, no gear pieces (which always look like chocolate reindeer to me for some reason!) here either.
Does anyone know what the benefit of the Christmas gifts are? Initially, I thought that was how we were supposed to receive snowflakes - but you need snowflakes in order to send those gifts, so I'm a bit confused.
(SteveGPI, Hanham, Level 56).