you are correct about the random battery. I have tried to use the battery I got in storage but to no avail.I remember last year getting the occasional battery during this event. I am remembering wrong or is GI being stingy again. (city:mikeyville lvl64 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)
how did you get the battery to recharge?Well I fat fingered my battery and it worked. But my question is is there a difference in hiring the workers and training them? I am just loafing along on the Eiffel Tower as I do other stuff and I just hit like phase 3 of 5 on the third block and it says hire workers for 20 CC. Is that somehow different or do I need to train 10 more workers?
I apparently clicked use and it come up and said your energy has been recharged. That was all.
I remember last year getting the occasional battery during this event. I am remembering wrong or is GI being stingy again. (city:mikeyville lvl64 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)
Okay folks this lame recycled event is another step in the right direction -- towards quitting this game. I managed to build the ice fortress last year because we were getting batteries so I could get the big gifts and more magic ice. There is no way to complete the challenge without getting big gifts at least twice a day. To upgrade the fortress you need lots of magic ice too. Without batteries you need to spend credits, good luck with that. I am so not motivated, I spent all my snowflakes on gifts today. My last year fortress <img src=""/> To upgrade to level 2: <img src=""/> {Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 70}
Hmm. So it's basically impossible to collect 400 letters in the time allowed (it's a push to manage the 200, quite frankly). Another example of GI's incessant "pay to play" attitude. I didn't used to mind paying for city credits every so often, in order to purchase special buildings or plots of land etc., but I'm not going to pay them money to complete a quirky challenge that they've deliberately made impossible to complete in any other fashion other than paying. (And even taking into account the occasional "double" drops of letters - and my very first one was actually a triple drop, but that's never been repeated since - I just noticed that in my last round of 25 clicks (I wait for the energy to fully recharge and do it all in one go) I have nine duds; that is, I clicked on the citizen, got an XP point, but no sign of a letter whatsoever. Have a happy christmas, Games Insight, I''m so pleased you've entered the general swing of the season NOT.
This company is laughing all the way to their bank, I swear.
SteveGPI / Hanham / Level 56