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Big Business - game discussion

Question: Trying to get the achievement regarding demolishing industries. Ok to get lets just use a farm. to build it you need x number of population. x will be 10K for this example. after you set it the NEXT industry to be placed is now higher (y will be 15K). So if you demolish the farm does the population revert back to the x or stay at y?

Does anyone know?
Recent contest, fruit..... first-place winner 1060, Wow, That's amazing
Must have been up all night , Counts me out as I do need some sleep.....

Ok so check my math here. 24 hours x 60 min= 1440 min /15min per =96 fruit a day x 10 (max # of farms) = 960 fruit. Any one else see a problem here? Even if they used the bonus that reduces manufacturing time by 30% it is still impossible unless u play 24hours straight with no sleep from the minute the new contest starts. This is why I don't even try.

The only way to do this is cash, you start the production as normal then hit the finish now. For fruit this is 1CC, so you can 'produce' as many as you wish. So chances of most getting into top three is slim, Do not attempt all contests but pick the ones where you have a few factories. Even if you do not 'win' you gain 50% extra cash.

Whilst there are two players throwing money at the game (we all know who they are) in order to finish top then the chances of anyone else finishing in the top three are indeed remote.Can't see the point of playing that way myself as it would not give me any satisfaction to know I had won but only by spending more than anyone else.

I think we may all be making a big mistake about those "two players"; they are probably GI employees (or the bosses themselves!) who are able to arrange buildings, populations, land purchases, money and production at the mere click of a few buttons, all done from the comfort of the GI support desk.

Either that, or they are VERY rich (as in, real life rich) or are very ill and have all the time in the world to play Big Business because they're bedridden and have nothing else to do with their waking day. Quite possibly, both. :D

I'd go with the former (GI developers), rather than the later (who, if this were true, are probably contacting the security services even as I write to arrange a break in my internet connection, so that I can no longer wri
security services

...just joking, of course :-P

By the way: Games Insight are the most fantastic, wonderful, kind-hearted and considerate people in the world. Sophie should be elevated to godlike status. I am not under any pain or duress writing this. Honest.


SteveGPI / Hanham / Level 57. In need of hammers. And State protection ;-)
I think we may all be making a big mistake about those "two players"; they are probably GI employees (or the bosses themselves!) who are able to arrange buildings, populations, land purchases, money and production at the mere click of a few buttons, all done from the comfort of the GI support desk.

Either that, or they are VERY rich (as in, real life rich) or are very ill and have all the time in the world to play Big Business because they're bedridden and have nothing else to do with their waking day. Quite possibly, both. :D

I'd go with the former (GI developers), rather than the later (who, if this were true, are probably contacting the security services even as I write to arrange a break in my internet connection, so that I can no longer wri

Well I think it is someone on the "inside". I mean why in the world would you spend real money for way more items then needed? Third place was less then 700 fruit. Even the third place winner had to spend a lot of CC or time? Like I said before I am not even trying, at least not till I feel like I have a shot at 100th place.
Question: Trying to get the achievement regarding demolishing industries. Ok to get lets just use a farm. to build it you need x number of population. x will be 10K for this example. after you set it the NEXT industry to be placed is now higher (y will be 15K). So if you demolish the farm does the population revert back to the x or stay at y?

Does anyone know?

It reverts back to x.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level *65*]
Has anyone ever successfully 'transferred' their game to a new device? I am planning on getting a new iPad soon and was wondering if there was a way to move the game data to the new device. I would hate to have my game stuck on my old device.
I think we may all be making a big mistake about those "two players"; they are probably GI employees (or the bosses themselves!) who are able to arrange buildings, populations, land purchases, money and production at the mere click of a few buttons, all done from the comfort of the GI support desk. Either that, or they are VERY rich (as in, real life rich) or are very ill and have all the time in the world to play Big Business because they're bedridden and have nothing else to do with their waking day. Quite possibly, both. :D I'd go with the former (GI developers), rather than the later (who, if this were true, are probably contacting the security services even as I write to arrange a break in my internet connection, so that I can no longer wri

Well, the "super-achievers" being GI employees/affiliates was my theory I maintained for a long time. It used to be Mockba and Russian World (both are among my "friends") we were suspicious of. Mockba was winning every day. However, Russian World was once banned for "time-cheating" and GI insisted that Mockba was just a paying customer.
I still think some "winners" are affiliated with GI and therefore they get free cc coming their way (maybe they are beta-testers or girl-friends) but a lot of people just burn their cash on these games. While playing some multiplayer war-games I encountered many folks who would spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars in order to become "number one". They would do that on every server. And not all of them are "rich", some have their credit cards maxed out. I think it is more like addiction than anything else.

{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 70}
Well, the "super-achievers" being GI employees/affiliates was my theory I maintained for a long time. It used to be Mockba and Russian World (both are among my "friends") we were suspicious of. Mockba was winning every day. However, Russian World was once banned for "time-cheating" and GI insisted that Mockba was just a paying customer.
I still think some "winners" are affiliated with GI and therefore they get free cc coming their way (maybe they are beta-testers or girl-friends) but a lot of people just burn their cash on these games. While playing some multiplayer war-games I encountered many folks who would spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars in order to become "number one". They would do that on every server. And not all of them are "rich", some have their credit cards maxed out. I think it is more like addiction than anything else.

{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 70}
I agree with you as far as the top winners are connected with GI. I also have a friend who has all the land bought on the tunnel side. He is the only one who has it. Just something to think about. Hacks? GI employees? I only do the contests if the resale is worth the time or I know I can place. Still working on those special contests to finish the building for that but I haven't been playing on an everyday basis for a while but getting started back in again.
Has anyone ever successfully 'transferred' their game to a new device? I am planning on getting a new iPad soon and was wondering if there was a way to move the game data to the new device. I would hate to have my game stuck on my old device.

It was not this game I moved from Ipad3 to Ipad4 but Mystery Manor back in Nov. BUT Backup your old device through settings. Just b4 you do the transfer. I called Apple and they helped me a lot.

I cannot remember exactly what we did but I remember connecting the old Ipad to my computer desktop and doing a backup there. Also take screen shots of things in BB so you can send to GI if some stuff doesnt transfer. One of my probs was somehow I I had 1 account in itunes as lets say forrest1@email.com and then downloaded the GI game. Then being new I ended up with a second acct I opened where I downloaded everything else lets say 2ndaccount@email.com. My prob was I didnt remember the password for forrest1. That caused a lot of probs. I did get the game transferred but it took abt 3 weeks.

GI helped get everything mostly back or the important stuff. My count on a couple goals were set back to zero but I could deal with that. Make sure you go through tech support when you fill out the form and get the ID from your game through settings in ipad for BOTH ipads. also the BB name and city name. city credits amt and level.. Like I said b4 screen shots do wonders!

I was giving my old ipad to my sister so I was able to have both machines with me until I reset the ipad3 back to factory setting for her.

You might have it easy if you downloaded BB with the itunes you use now!

BTW note to all make sure you backup your ipad on a reg basis! Something we all for get to do at times! Like I said b4 Apple was very nice and helpful on the phone and got me to where I could be to talk to GI. GI is better to respond in tech questions. Hope this helps.

PS maybe other areas of this form can help also. I didnt know abt this forum then.
It was not this game I moved from Ipad3 to Ipad4 but Mystery Manor back in Nov.

Good to know that you were able to transfer a GI game from one iPad to another without much trouble. Yeah, I need to backup my device soon. Haven't done so since the epic meltdown a couple of months back. But then again, the experience with people trying to restore from a PC backup was mixed I thought. Some were able to do it, some weren't. Doesn't hurt though for sure!
I've just started work on the hydro plant. I am not trying to complete inside of 10 days as I know it impossible. However, how long does it generally take to get suitcases and workers? I am on the second day and have seen none yet.

Big Business - city name "Tri City" - user name "nigel1234" location - Sydney, Australia
I've just started work on the hydro plant. I am not trying to complete inside of 10 days as I know it impossible. However, how long does it generally take to get suitcases and workers? I am on the second day and have seen none yet.

Big Business - city name "Tri City" - user name "nigel1234" location - Sydney, Australia

It took me around a month and a half to get them all. Good luck! Best to prepare what you can for the hydro now, then forget all about it until you get them all.
I finally decided to go for the electronics plant. To support it, I decided to go for the 3rd mine, chemical plant and oil plant. To do this I trashed.my printing and gift shop along with a farm (down to 4). I hope I don't regret it but I needed to have a change from the monotony. I also now have 2 radio and cosmetic plants since I got my population up but I also demolished another gift shop. Now the plan is to get the metal mine and processing plant. This is thanks to the person that posted that the building brigade works on the big power plant. Used my silver medals to upgrade it. Next upgrade is 1200 energy units. Enough babbling for now. Enjoy the torture that this game brings and don't spend your life savings.
It took me around a month and a half to get them all. Good luck! Best to prepare what you can for the hydro now, then forget all about it until you get them all.

Well I now have one of each, so I figure it will take the best part of a month. To save me, GI are offering me 3 suitcases for only 15 CC. Bargain, not. I will wait it out. The greed of GI has cost them plenty.

Big Business - city name "Tri City" - user name "nigel1234" location - Sydney, Australia
I finally decided to go for the electronics plant. To support it, I decided to go for the 3rd mine, chemical plant and oil plant. To do this I trashed.my printing and gift shop along with a farm (down to 4). I hope I don't regret it but I needed to have a change from the monotony. I also now have 2 radio and cosmetic plants since I got my population up but I also demolished another gift shop. Now the plan is to get the metal mine and processing plant. This is thanks to the person that posted that the building brigade works on the big power plant. Used my silver medals to upgrade it. Next upgrade is 1200 energy units. Enough babbling for now. Enjoy the torture that this game brings and don't spend your life savings.

After a lot of back-and-forth I too buckled to my OCD tendencies and bought the electronics plant a couple of days back. I couldn't stand to see the unfinished tasks in the left hand side pane. Yeah, I'm weird like that. I don't have nearly as high a happiness level as you, so I'm stuck with just one each of the mine, chemical plant and oil refinery. With these limited resources, and the amount of time it takes to produce each item at the electronics plant, it will be a while before I clear out all the tasks. Not to mention all the upgrade costs, including the staffing needs costs. Even I could produce good fast enough, I don't think I would be able to upgrade the plant fast enough.

Regarding the big power plant upgrade, am I correct that it only provides a 600 unit uptick? If so, that doesn't seem like a whole lot gained, and I think I'm might have to save my building brigade for the electronics plant upgrade.

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