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Hay Day Discussion and Game Help Thread (NO FRIEND REQUESTS)

And can I just elaborate a bit... Once all the screen caps of barn storage are in, it will be the smallest barn that wins the upgrade. So the winner will be determined by the barn size, and not chosen by anyone for other reasons. Will there be a deadline by which all screen caps should be posted? Chumleyboo, level 72.
I was thinking a 24 hour period ( due to the differences in time zones), what do you think? Please post your screenshots even if someone with a smaller barn already posts!!! I have a feeling that even if you don't win the barn raising competition, there are ppl here that are willing to help you anyway!!!! It's 10 pm CST ( my time) I know it's already midnight somewhere! Ready to start seeing those screenshots!!!!!

GC iluvbree lvl 104
And can I just elaborate a bit... Once all the screen caps of barn storage are in, it will be the smallest barn that wins the upgrade. So the winner will be determined by the barn size, and not chosen by anyone for other reasons. Will there be a deadline by which all screen caps should be posted? Chumleyboo, level 72.

I was thinking a 24 hour period ( due to the differences in time zones), what do you think? Please post your screenshots even if someone with a smaller barn already posts!!! I have a feeling that even if you don't win the barn raising competition, there are ppl here that are willing to help you anyway!!!! It's 10 pm CST ( my time) I know it's already midnight somewhere! Ready to start seeing those screenshots!!!!! GC iluvbree lvl 104

3:45am here.. and Chumley is even further ahead of us time wise.. 24 hours is good, if we need to adjust it for next time, we can :-)

Edit: How low/high are "low levellers" ? lol

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
Ooh, I love the frogs, but I find the foxes annoying too, lol. I'm glad I only have one residential fox! :-)

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)

Sometimes one fox is a good thing! Lol. Thanks for all your help you are the angel who always shows up. Maybe they will put angels in the fish pond for Christmas.

current level 52. clowns. gc or kik : chachamojo.
Sometimes one fox is a good thing! Lol. Thanks for all your help you are the angel who always shows up. Maybe they will put angels in the fish pond for Christmas. current level 52. clowns. gc or kik : chachamojo.

Hey M, good to see you!! Hope you are well :-)
You're more than welcome! x

Angels are cute! **(\O/)**

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
3:45am here.. and Chumley is even further ahead of us time wise.. 24 hours is good, if we need to adjust it for next time, we can :-) Edit: How low/high are "low levellers" ? lol iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
levels are pretty much irrelevant, lower levels usually have smaller barns though! It's open to anyone who thinks their barn is small!!!!

GC iluvbree lvl 104
I'm gonna throw 5 TNT to the first person to post a screenshot of their barn! ( anybody over 1000 barn capacity doesn't qualify) that's my disclaimer!!!! Lol

GC iluvbree lvl 104
levels are pretty much irrelevant, lower levels usually have smaller barns though! It's open to anyone who thinks their barn is small!!!! GC iluvbree lvl 104

I'm gonna throw 5 TNT to the first person to post a screenshot of their barn! ( anybody over 1000 barn capacity doesn't qualify) that's my disclaimer!!!! Lol GC iluvbree lvl 104

Well dang, I was just gonna post mine, lol! ;-)

I like that though, the 1000 capacity limit, it's fair :D

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
Well dang, I was just gonna post mine, lol! ;-) I like that though, the 1000 capacity limit, it's fair :D iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
I know, after I re read my first statement, I was like " I always think my barn is too small!!!!! Lol

GC iluvbree lvl 104
I know, after I re read my first statement, I was like " I always think my barn is too small!!!!! Lol GC iluvbree lvl 104

Funny thing, today when I came back to HD, I kept thinking "this can't be right, I have so many spare spaces in my barn".. it's so unlike me.

Then I went shopping :-P

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
Funny thing, today when I came back to HD, I kept thinking "this can't be right, I have so many spare spaces in my barn".. it's so unlike me. Then I went shopping :-P iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
I'm the same way!!! Like a purse( bag) I tell ya!!!! Lol

GC iluvbree lvl 104
I'm headed to bed here in Texas!!!! I will honor my 5 TNT bid to the first barn raising screenshot in my morning!!!!!! Night y'all!!!!

GC iluvbree lvl 104
I'm headed to bed here in Texas!!!! I will honor my 5 TNT bid to the first barn raising screenshot in my morning!!!!!! Night y'all!!!! GC iluvbree lvl 104

True story about the purses!! Goodnight to you :-)

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)

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