iPad Fan
Horrraaayy! Boat Hunter III ! Finally...I could sleep well tonite. gc Pikandut, lvl 73, finally boat hunter III !
Horrraaayy! Boat Hunter III ! Finally...I could sleep well tonite. gc Pikandut, lvl 73, finally boat hunter III !
I'm hoping someone with tech savvy can help me. I have an iPad2. I've contacted SuperCell numerous time and they have no legitimate answer. I have a problem with my Hay Day / Game Center interface. I have a major lag and lockup everytime I open my friend's bar. The first is when I initially open it. The whole game locks up for 20 - 30 seconds. While in the friends tab, if I slide the icons, I get a spin of about 10 icons, then it stops and the game locks for about 15 - 20 seconds. This keeps happening everytime I try to move down the levels to the person I'm looking for. This doesn't happen when I'm in the ? Tab, Last Helpers or followers tab. Now today I noticed something else. I went into the GC games tab to unfriendly farms that haven't had activity for 2 months or more and I noticed the last farm on my list was saying a certain farm has been inactive since August, yet I know I helped their boat 4 days ago. At this point, I don't know what to do or what tech service to contact. I didn't have this issue until Apple upgraded to 7.0. All SuperCell tells me is to close the game and restart my iPad, which doesn't solve my problem. Anyone with savvy has any ideas, I'm open to suggestion other than shoot my iPad and put it out of it misery. I've already been contemplating that idea. Thanks.
Horrraaayy! Boat Hunter III ! Finally...I could sleep well tonite. gc Pikandut, lvl 73, finally boat hunter III !
Congrats! It's an awesome feeling to accomplish that! Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Yay that's fantastic!! Well done!!Chumleyboo, level 73.
Thanks all, it feels really good when I fill somebody's crates now. It's not about pursuing the challenge anymore, it's about helping each other. Awesome feelingngngg... *this is my first multi quote, hope it done wellgc Pikandut, lvl 73, finally boat hunter III !
Your multi quoting worked perfectly! Do you have many achievements left to do? Chumleyboo, level 73.
Not really challenging though, including golden ore achievement, thousands metal bars, fishes caught in numbers and weight. I still have 2 blank pics of fishes that involve orange voucher, the dace and one of the trout - these are more interesting to pursue. O yeah, one more thing to do: catching foxesI'm quite curious about it, should I put fences around whole land, or how? gc Pikandut, lvl 73, finally boat hunter III !
Me too, same achievements left, i'm sure they'll take ages! I think with the foxes, you have to wait until you see some, then put fences around them, then I think they stay. But I might be wrong! I'm going to try it.Chumleyboo, level 73.
Me too, same achievements left, i'm sure they'll take ages! I think with the foxes, you have to wait until you see some, then put fences around them, then I think they stay. But I might be wrong! I'm going to try it.Chumleyboo, level 73.
Can't we just have an old fashion Fox Hunt? Sent from my iPad using iPF
Maybe on the next event, they will put Fox huntgc Pikandut, lvl 73, finally boat hunter III !
I'd go for the fishing boat, cause the mine and smelters aren't really worth it. You can get a lot of diamonds from fishingWhat to do first? - the fishing boat, or the mine and smelters? I have yet not reached the fishing level, but would start collecting money for that. Thanks.
I'd go for the fishing boat, cause the mine and smelters aren't really worth it. You can get a lot of diamonds from fishinglevel 56 GC: bbcakess2
You have to tell me your secret. Only time I ever got a diamond from fishing was from the Halloween ghost. Sent from my iPad using iPF