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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

I need 4 bolts and 4 wood panels. Can trade with tape.
I also need land deeds if anyone has any.
Will pay full price.
Thank you.

I have a fair amount of extra building upgrade supplies (willing to part with), but I am in desperate need of bolts & nails. I am new to the forum, so I have no clue how this all works. I am PrincessSP on HayDay (same as GC account). I also always sell off my land/lake expansion items, saws, axes & gold, silver and platinum bars. I sell a lot of my stuff full price (to the random stall visitor), but I always also intend to pay full price myself.
I need 7 bolts.
I am giving 5 nails + 10 screws + 10 panels for only 7 bolts.

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Can someone sell me some white sugar? i will pay full price and return back the sugar tomorrow as well.


Hi! I know Chumley already mentioned this, but your inbox is full. You need to delete a bunch of your PMs - both from inbox and sent and then you will free up room :). You probably already know that but just in case! :)

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
I need 3 apples for my boat. Can somebody please help me? Thank you.

Please add me on Game Center. My GC is Pammy (:
(including the smiley face)
I have 16 tapes and i need 8 bolts. Would trade the tapes with bolts with 2:1 ratio.
And i also need 3 deeds. Would trade 6 mallets for 3 deeds (2:1 ratio as well).
Please pm me if interested..thanks..
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