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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

I would love to water your coffee, but we are not friends yet, and even if we were, I can't see anyone in my friends bar :(. I'll send you a FR anyway, then maybe you can water my coffee, then I can water yours.... :) Chumleyboo, level 72.
We were friends I don't understand why I have dropped off the face of the farms! Thank you four water! xx

Sent from my iPad using iPF GC Yellowtillybird Lv 47 Happy Farming ! :) UK xxx
Hi everyone, I am looking for planks. I can offer 3 screws, 3 deeds or 5 saws for each plank. Many thanks

GCID jonew10 level 64
Hey guys, I have 2:1 shovels again! Looking for tapes or bolts and will give two shovels for each one. 14 shovels to trade.
I got 24 screws and 42 deeds : Looking for 3 nails and 15 pannels (1:1)

I got 45 tapes and 42 deeds : looking for bolts and planks (tapes goes 1:1 and deeds 2:1)

Let me know!
Help! I'm new at this. How do I PM someone? Also, where do I go for friend requests? Sorry this may be in the wrong place, but not sure what I'm doing! Thanks!
Help! I'm new at this. How do I PM someone? Also, where do I go for friend requests? Sorry this may be in the wrong place, but not sure what I'm doing! Thanks!

There's a thread called Hay Day Friend ID Request, try there.

There are two ways to send a PM. Either tap on the top bar of the message you want to respond to, where the avatar is, then tap on Send Private Message, on the middle of the screen.

Or, you can tap on Messages, at the bottom of your iPad screen, then tap on the rectangle with a curved arrow in it, on the top right hand side of your screen. Select Send Private Message, add the recipient's name.

Chumleyboo, level 72.

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