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You have my sympathy. My father is in an Alzheimer's unit. I use my iPad to keep his memory active of his family and pets. He often knows exactly who is in the picture but has difficulty remembering names and details. I have found that many of the patients there master the task of moving through the iPad pictures even if they've never done it before. I take pictures of the residents and they really enjoy seeing themselves on "TV". I know your wife is not in the same category, but I think that what ever she can do to manipulate or track things on the iPad would be helpful for her motor memory.
tail_rotor said:
The CH-135 was a "N" Twin Engine Huey, if my memory serves me. I got out in '81'. I flew most of the other model Huey's, 58's, and Cobra's. I did get a manufacturer's check out to fly the Apache to test the "Hellfire" system just before the Army bought the Apache and I had the opportunity to fly the prototype to the "Black Hawk". I miss flying sometimes.

That's the one. CH-135 was the final Canadian designation for the Bell CUH-1N.

My most memorable flight(s) on this aircraft took place during a Canadian / U.S. military exercise in Wainwright, Alberta in the 1980s.

Temp was -35C so the interior of the helicopter never got warm. They were plugged in whenever
they were on the ground, to keep the avionics from freezing.

The terrain made for some interesting low level flying. I was surprised by how nimble the machine was.


Sent from my iPhone using iPF
The versatility and nimbleness was one of the most enjoyable aspects of flying helicopters. My only time flying in Canada for any length of time was a summer in the mid-80's. It was a theater command exercise extending between Fredericton, New Brunswiick and St John's. Newfoundland area in the South East corner of Canada. Absolutely some of the most beautiful country I have ever been in. So many different animal. It is a pleasure to talk and reminisce with you....again I hope another time. Take care...
Asporean said:
Hi everybody. Just bought myself a brand new iPad 4 today and you know what ? I found this great site.
That's a great start .. Yeah? iPad is a first for me although I have been using an iPhone for the last 3 years.
Hope I can pick up a lot of iPad stuffs from you guys. Cheers

Congrats and welcome!!!

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Hello, I'm reposting another intro, I get a message to do so every time I post a message on the forum, at any rate, I'm new to my ipad, got it for Christmas, and just love it.
ewenique said:
Hello, I'm reposting another intro, I get a message to do so every time I post a message on the forum, at any rate, I'm new to my ipad, got it for Christmas, and just love it.

Welcome to iPF. Precisely what does the message box say when you're prompted to post again?


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Hello everyone. Just got my White iPad 4 yesterday and currently dropping quite a bit more on apps. LOL I work at DFW Airport keeping the planes safe while taxiing on the airfield. The iPad's for work so I can do my job in the field, and also for those slow times when I'm looking to watch a video.
Hello. I got my IPad 3 on my birthday in dec. came here to find friends for games :)

Hi I am new. I really enjoy mynipad

Hi I'm new :)

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I would confirm with others that I am still asked to write a "Welcome Newbie" thread. The e-mail message is as follows: [h=1]"If you are new, please post an introduction thread." update[/h]
tail_rotor said:
I would confirm with others that I am still asked to write a "Welcome Newbie" thread. The e-mail message is as follows: [h=1]"If you are new, please post an introduction thread." update[/h]

You received the email to alert you to replies, hence the word "update". All threads you post in result in this if another post is made. :)

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