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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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My brand spankin new iPad 2(32gb) in White will be shipped on the 15th(hopefully sooner, probably not though) so I hope that when it arrives I will be able to jailbreak it..if not, I will wait til a jailbreak is available..crossing fingers and toes that somehow, some way they can jailbreak 4.3.3 :)
Hey, we're similar! My iPad is ships by June 13th, and like you I'm totally waiting for the JB. I had an iPhone but it was on stock OS. This is gonna be the first time I'm JB-ing! :D Plus, let's hope for the JB being released after they test it for iOS 5...
My brand spankin new iPad 2(32gb) in White will be shipped on the 15th(hopefully sooner, probably not though) so I hope that when it arrives I will be able to jailbreak it..if not, I will wait til a jailbreak is available..crossing fingers and toes that somehow, some way they can jailbreak 4.3.3 :)
Hey, we're similar! My iPad is ships by June 13th, and like you I'm totally waiting for the JB. I had an iPhone but it was on stock OS. This is gonna be the first time I'm JB-ing! :D Plus, let's hope for the JB being released after they test it for iOS 5...

Mine says it will be delivered on the 21st..I hope its sooner but if its the 21st I am cool with that..I ordered the one in White, since the moment I saw it I knew that was the one that I wanted..now just gotta find a nice case for it. I know the jailbreak will work for 4.3 but I hope us newbie iPad 2 owners won't end up getting screwed over..I think eventually we will all have jailbroken iPad 2's :) I already own an iPad(32gb) 1st Gen and an iPod Touch 4th gen, both jailbroken..but if the iPad 2 gets jailbroken I will sell my 1st Gen iPad since I won't be needing two iPads
Quick one:

iPad2 was ordered on April 17th and received on 7th of May. What are the chances that it came with iOS v4.3?

(got that question from a lady who doesn't have a clue what is JB and how to check iOS version)
Anyone know is this from the man himself
What I'm hearing "@thegeohot Hmm, forecast looks like Ra1n for sunday"

He's also said this
Looks like I won the challenge again

Sent from my iPad2 in Somerset
You're talking about: https://twitter.com/#!/TheGeoHot

My 2 cents:
- Real Hotz doesn't use twitter.
- If it was real Hotz it would have much more followers on twitter.

Personally: I don't believe this is true and legit.
For the record ALL twitter accounts (at this point in time) which proclaim to be geohot are fakes. He very publicly left twitter and if he ever decides to return will do so again very clearly, publicly, and unambiguously. For a start he would likely reactivate his own @geohot user account!
There's a trend that attention seekers become more active on weekends :D (sunday is funday, forecasting ra1n for sunday etc.).

bile said:
"DISCLAIMER: This website is not about an iPad 2 jailbreak, it is about photos of waiting iPad 2 only."

man why do people still think elevat0r has ANYTHING to do with an ipad 2 jailbreak? he is just messing with people and they are just gobbling it up hook line and sinker.

yes he has work that is crucial for other firmwares, but elevator is not the name of some mystic jailbreak ;-P

Did I say it had anything to do with a iPad 2 jailbreak?
I just posted it because I thought it was funny.
How old are you by the way?

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
I thought it was funny rudyl90. V Funny.
Let's lighten up a bit everyone. Don't rise to it... rise above it. :D

EDIT - and for the avoidance of doubt, peoples ages are irrelevant and nobody should feel pressured to respond with what age they are unless they want to. It is not encouraged and tends to only feed peoples preconceptions and prejudices.

Geeezz... And I just said lighten up! I love hypocrisy :)
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bullka said:
Quick one:

iPad2 was ordered on April 17th and received on 7th of May. What are the chances that it came with iOS v4.3?

(got that question from a lady who doesn't have a clue what is JB and how to check iOS version)
Don't think your chances are too high...

To check iOS version:

Settings > General > About ... It should have it there next to "version"

Hope that helps.
Is it just the chronic dev team working on iPad 2 JB or are the iPhone dev team swell?
comex is also working (off and on) on a jailbreak, as evidenced by his tweet to @Angelol1990 on May 29.

Also, consider the Cydia icon on the picture comex took of his smashed iPad2. Remember that comex didn't buy an iPad2 when they first came out (he jailbroke chpwn's remotely). (So put 2 and 2 together....)
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