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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
You can have the same Apple ID activated on five computers, and each computer/iTunes can sync with an unlimited number of iOS devices. So there isn't actually a limit to how often the same app can be used.

Even better. Thanks for the clarification

Sent from my iPad using iPF
f4780y said:
Remember fatboy's mantra - "Jailbreaking does not equal Piracy"


Developers put a lot of hours and definitely deserve a little compensation. Think about 2 thinks... You go to a fast food and buy lunch for the price of Angry Bird... Well tomorrow take a sandwich from home then you have the money to buy the apps :-)

Stick2e - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
iFrog said:

Developers put a lot of hours and definitely deserve a little compensation. Think about 2 thinks... You go to a fast food and buy lunch for the price of Angry Bird... Well tomorrow take a sandwich from home then you have the money to buy the apps :-)

Stick2e - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF

Or chill on the starbucks coffee for a day.
LoJak said:
Or chill on the starbucks coffee for a day.

Too far! I can't write a line of code in the morning without my venti 4 shot latte to kick start my motor... :D
euugenn said:
exactly my point started with iRanger on the first pages of this thread.

however, i was told my comment was idiotic and I also received a warning for telling iRanger to "please shut up" in case he installed many paid apps for free on his jailbroken device, on which he didn't even have the guts to respond to.

I guess he's was busy being "unrestricted" and exchanging files via bluetooth with nokia phones and sending mms messages from his iphone 4.

Firstly the name is iRager not iRanger get it right...

Secondly you really are closed minded aren't you? When did I ever mention that I installed free apps? Or even endorsed it?

And the reason I didn't "have the guts" to respond to you is because I don't need to explain myself to some child trying to get attention.

In your little mind jb means free apps so it's obvious why you would ever jb your device.

Now unless you have proof please keep your comments to yourself.

sseguin said:
2 tumbs up for the "Free my iPad 2" campaign!
+1 :-D
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kevbo said:
So no news on this at all? I'm just kind of surprised that this isn't the biggest project for them.
Nothing solid at the moment, I'm guessing it is the biggest project for them, it's just harder than first thought, the iPad 2 will eventually be jail broken it's just a matter of when.

Hang tight and join the "Free my iPad 2 campaign" :-D
euugenn said:
exactly my point started with iRanger on the first pages of this thread.

however, i was told my comment was idiotic and I also received a warning for telling iRanger to "please shut up" in case he installed many paid apps for free on his jailbroken device, on which he didn't even have the guts to respond to.

I guess he's was busy being "unrestricted" and exchanging files via bluetooth with nokia phones and sending mms messages from his iphone 4.

Firstly the name is iRager not iRanger get it right...

Secondly you really are closed minded aren't you? When did I ever mention that I installed free apps? Or even endorsed it?

And the reason I didn't "have the guts" to respond to you is because I don't need to explain myself to some child trying to get attention.

In your little mind jb means free apps so it's obvious why you would ever jb your device.

Now unless you have proof please keep your comments to yourself.

I didn't see that either.

Now this is squashed. If anyone has a problem with infractions issued take it up through PM ~ not in open forum.
SweetPoison said:
I didn't see that either.

Now this is squashed. If anyone has a problem with infractions issued take it up through PM ~ not in open forum.

Thanx Poison, I agree.
Ok iRager, sorry for misspelling your forum username.

It's obvious I hit a soft spot somewhere and I do not wish to continue any further with this. It's just your explenations were childish and didn't make much sense in my childish mind (send files via bluetooth, send mms messages, etc).

Anyways, the post in which I asked you "how many paid apps have you installed on your jailbroken device for free" was erased because I also included the phrase "if more than just a few, please shut up" - I was just curious, that's it.

Would you mind stating to the forum and all the "jailbreak/free my apple device community" that you didn't install any paid apps for free, just so that my childish attempt to support developers be put at an end smoothly? (that's all I ask)

*I updated my iPad2 to 4.3.2 and I am not really interested in jalbreaking as I try to see real arguments (other than free paid apps) in order to do this and so far I haven't. I've had an iPhone 3g (neverlocked, and neverjailbroken) and a 3gs (same) for the last 2,5 years and I bought all my apps, so don't go accusing me of things you cannot proove. If I wanted to jailbreak to install paid apps for free, it would have been 2 clicks away, but I didn't.

I am just trying to figure out the reasons why I would.

Anyways, I'll go back to my "childish" and "idiotic" life activities I have daily (please don't warn iRager for insulting other members of this forum, as I think he meant complimenting me, not insulting - right?)

To the creators of the forum: good job, will still be an active member of this forum, as I find it has good potential.

p.s: not to mention "closed minded" - that's a good thing, right?
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euugenn, have you had a JB'd device? I only ask because there are many benefits to having one. It allows you to customize your device with things such as themes, custom lock bars, widgets, being able to add more icons to the dock bar at the bottom, apps that apple didn't approve that users still want and the list goes on and on. My iPhone is JB'd and the app I love the most is Intelliscreen (which I bought) but apple wouldn't approve. Basically you can set it up for notifications on your lock screen (unread emails, weather forecast, sports scores, news headlines, upcoming appointments and the list goes on). Cydia is like another app store in itself and I like having the other options available to me. Unfortunately when a lot of folks hear "jailbrake" the first thing that comes to mind is piracy but that's really not the case. It's not for everyone but it is for a lot of people who want the jaws of Apple to be loosened a little bit. Regardless it's a great device locked and its yours so you should enjoy it any way you wish.
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euugenn, have you had a JB'd device? I only ask because there are many benefits to having one. It allows you to customize your device with things such as themes, custom lock bars, widgets, being able to add more icons to the dock bar at the bottom, apps that apple didn't approve that users still want and the list goes on and on. My iPhone is JB'd and the app I love the most is Intelliscreen (which I bought) but apple wouldn't approve. Basically you can set it up for notifications on your lock screen (unredad emails, weather forecast, sports scores, news headlines, upcoming appointments and the list goes on). Cydia is like another app store in itself and I like having the other options available to me. Unfortunately when a lot of folks hear "jailbrake" the first thing that comes to mind is piracy but that's really not the case. It's not for everyone but it is for a lot of people who want the jaws of Apple to be loosened a little bit. Regardless it's a great device locked and its yours so you should enjoy it any way you wish.

Wookie, I love you.
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