euugenn, have you had a JB'd device? I only ask because there are many benefits to having one. It allows you to customize your device with things such as themes, custom lock bars, widgets, being able to add more icons to the dock bar at the bottom, apps that apple didn't approve that users still want and the list goes on and on. My iPhone is JB'd and the app I love the most is Intelliscreen (which I bought) but apple wouldn't approve. Basically you can set it up for notifications on your lock screen (unredad emails, weather forecast, sports scores, news headlines, upcoming appointments and the list goes on). Cydia is like another app store in itself and I like having the other options available to me. Unfortunately when a lot of folks hear "jailbrake" the first thing that comes to mind is piracy but that's really not the case. It's not for everyone but it is for a lot of people who want the jaws of Apple to be loosened a little bit. Regardless it's a great device locked and its yours so you should enjoy it any way you wish.