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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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I'm so confused. Why is everyone arguing about this... Obviously everyone is going to have their own reasons for jailbreaking. Let's just all be friends k? :)
I agree! Let's all join hands and sit around the campfire and sing --

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo9AH4vG2wA]YouTube - Kumbaya My Lord[/ame]
yeah let's make more friends here. share the same interest. sit nicely and hold popcorn while waiting the jb is out. i love this forum.
One of the best parts of Jailbreaking is it never gets old! Everyday new packages and tweaks and mods and themes are released in Cydia. Sometimes the tweaks are o.k. But then you get an Awesome tweak made like Barrel for the iPhone or RetinaPad for the iPad! And it makes you very happy that you Jailbroke your device.

D_LA_ROC said:
One of the best parts of Jailbreaking is it never gets old! Everyday new packages and tweaks and mods and themes are released in Cydia. Sometimes the tweaks are o.k. But then you get an Awesome tweak made like Barrel for the iPhone or RetinaPad for the iPad! And it makes you very happy that you Jailbroke your device.


Well put. It's a daily amusement!

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Hi guys,

My "enslaved" iPad arrives today and i'm very keen to liberate its freedom! POWER TO THE PEOPLE LOL :D

Great site!
@p0sixninja just tweeted saying this is the slowest progressing Jailbreak ever and he wishes Geohot was still around... This is not looking good for us iPad2 owners :(

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