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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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Pwned Pak said:
Totally disagree

The Jailbreak makes the apple device what it should of been in the first place,Without it its just a fashion statement

Hello, instead of making general affirmations would you mind sharing to everyone how jailbreak changed your iPad and why? (by maybe sharing the top 3 tweaks/apps that a jailbreak enabled you to have)


This is an opened invitation to everyone who loves jailbreak and wishes to share to others the exact reasons why they do! (including you iRager)

euugenn said:
Hello, instead of making general affirmations would you mind sharing to everyone how jailbreak changed your iPad and why? (by maybe sharing the top 3 tweaks/apps that a jailbreak enabled you to have)


This is an opened invitation to everyone who loves jailbreak and wishes to share to others the exact reasons why they do! (including you iRager)


How about the ultimate list of tweaks which is a sticky in this forum!
f4780y said:
How about the ultimate list of tweaks which is a sticky in this forum!

sure, that's great - however I would like to see a member based list and reasons offered by each member, with a more unique point of view.
euugenn said:
sure, that's great - however I would like to see a member based list and reasons offered by each member, with a more unique point of view.

Fair enough. It only took me a year to compile that one. Knock yourself out. :D
euugenn said:
sure, that's great - however I would like to see a member based list and reasons offered by each member, with a more unique point of view.

Fair enough. It only took me a year to compile that one. Knock yourself out. :D

Too funny, Leigh. Aren't there numerous threads with members stating why they JB and the benefits?
Thanks for clearing that up f4780y. I'll admit I poured a pretty tall glass of scotch last night and I think that might have helped in adding to my confusion :D
Wookiee2cu said:
Thanks for clearing that up f4780y. I'll admit I poured a pretty tall glass of scotch last night and I think that might have helped in adding to my confusion :D

No problem, it is a confusing subject!
OK so clearly Tech News Headquarters are a bunch of Dee Duh Dees... What made it more convincing at first glance was that it was posted today.
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