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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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The video is fake. It was filmed on an iPad 2, as well as an iPad 1 and then later merged to make it appear, as if it where all on the same device.

The announcement of delay is only to be expected, as the jb doesn't exist. Next week, the release will be delayed again and then the guy and his supposed jb will be quickly forgotten.
We live in a sad, sad world.

If this is true I feelmsorrymfor him. Must be a very lonely person and trying to be in the center.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Yes, as someone who really, really wanted to believe that this guy had the jailbreak, I now know that it is fake. In the first video, he is clearly in the standard photos app when looking at Cydia. When he flips it to look at the sides, it goes into portrait and Cydia shrinks like a photo would. The most convincing evidence of it being fake is the clock in the second video. It goes back and forth between times and you can see it shift at certain points. Just watch the clock and you'll see what I mean. It's easy to do because the videos are filmed are the dark.

There is a 0% chance that he has a jailbreak.
With so many waiting for jailbreak on iPad 2, I can only imagine how Mr Jobs is smiling. :)

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
well the sad thing is that if this is fake, and comex is not working on it then who is?
Damm seems like this is going to take some months :(
Serianni said:
It's sad that comex gave up on it tho...

I wonder if @comex is saying this so people will leave him alone about it, like GeoHot did in the past.....that would be pretty epic if he releases an iPad2 Jailbreak when nobody expects it...

All that I can say is that I'm glade I didn't upgrade to the iPad 2! Even though I really didn't have any reason to upgrade to the iPad 2, I still thought about it more than once! :-)

But, now I'm glad I resisted. I would be extremely un-happy with an un-jail broken iPad after getting so used to it being jail broken!

Besides that, there seems to be a pretty big issue with light-leaks that I don't remember the iPad suffering from...

At the same time though, I do have my fingers crossed for you iPad 2 owners!
I have a jailbroken 1st gen ipad that I need to send in for a fix but I'm unable to reconnect it to itunes for a restore (hence the fix). Does anyone have an idea how to restore to factory without itunes? I'm kinda stumped and don't want to send in a jailbroken device.
fairtheewell said:
I have a jailbroken 1st gen ipad that I need to send in for a fix but I'm unable to reconnect it to itunes for a restore (hence the fix). Does anyone have an idea how to restore to factory without itunes? I'm kinda stumped and don't want to send in a jailbroken device.

Go to Settings->General->Reset->Erase all Content and Settings.

You may want to backup via iTunes and pkgbackup beforehand though
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