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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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f4780y said:
Not exactly a release or announcement though... Comex 4.3 method is not too challenging to work out with the right dev tools. Likely this guy has done exactly the same. And what an Ass for showing a demo of what he did. Does nothing for the rep of the community.
Can almost guarantee it's tethered. No proof otherwise. If it ever sees a release I'll be truly amazed...

He claims it will be released tomorrow/today. I don't really want to give anyone undue attention if they are a fraud, but their twitter is twitter.com/d0nfyxn. Only 92 followers. Again, I think it's unlikely that some random guy is going to release an iPad 2 jailbreak before the Dev Team, but the fact that he has video evidence and it's not some obvious tactic to get blog hits or ad revenue gives it a little credibility at least.
Maberib said:
I was wondering about all of this talk about Comex not being able to release his Jailbreak due to its use of Apple's intellectual property.

You sound like you know a thing or two about the process: Is the source code in question just a part of Apple's dev kit? Is the problem making a standalone Jailbreak application without use of that code?

Short answer "yes", long answer "no". AFAIK source code is not available. That would be "trivial" to reengineer for any talented programmer. From the little I understand, proprietary Apple libraries (probably several) are what allow it to work. These would need to be reverse engineered and coded again from scratch. That's what makes it non-trivial IMHO...
kevbo said:
He claims it will be released tomorrow/today. I don't really want to give anyone undue attention if they are a fraud, but their twitter is twitter.com/d0nfyxn. Only 92 followers. Again, I think it's unlikely that some random guy is going to release an iPad 2 jailbreak before the Dev Team, but the fact that he has video evidence and it's not some obvious tactic to get blog hits or ad revenue gives it a little credibility at least.

I genuinely look forward to being proven wrong on this. Seen too many fake JB vids in my time.
Law of averages says one must pay off eventually, doesn't it?
If only I wore a hat, I would be preparing to eat it... :)
If it's the kind of thing that can be worked from a dev kit, could the method and whatever supplementary code needed be released? Then if one "happened to have" the Apple Dev Kit...

Not that I'm making a request. I'm just a bit curious about the more technical side of jail breaking and wondering what actually goes on and how it works.
Several blogs are saying a frame by frame review of the vid shows that it may well be fake.

Look very carefully when he switches from landscape to portrait. Cydia shrinks rather than fills the screen indicating it may be a landscape screenshot which is rotating... He then clearly uses his fingers to switch apps before we see the screen again...

I'm calling fake till I see proof! Sorry guys.
If it's the kind of thing that can be worked from a dev kit, could the method and whatever supplementary code needed be released? Then if one "happened to have" the Apple Dev Kit...

Not that I'm making a request. I'm just a bit curious about the more technical side of jail breaking and wondering what actually goes on and how it works.

Well, I certainly don't profess to know Comex's method, so it's just speculation.
But even publicising the method would likely end you up in court with Apple in double quick time. I'll maybe do a post on "the anatomy of a jailbreak" when I get some spare time...
kevbo said:
One reason I didn't discard it immediately was because it doesn't seem to be about making money.

Not exactly a release or announcement though... Comex 4.3 method is not too challenging to work out with the right dev tools. Likely this guy has done exactly the same. And what an Ass for showing a demo of what he did. Does nothing for the rep of the community.
Can almost guarantee it's tethered. No proof otherwise. If it ever sees a release I'll be truly amazed...

If it's the kind of thing that can be worked from a dev kit, could the method and whatever supplementary code needed be released? Then if one "happened to have" the Apple Dev Kit...

Not that I'm making a request. I'm just a bit curious about the more technical side of jail breaking and wondering what actually goes on and how it works.

Well, I certainly don't profess to know Comex's method, so it's just speculation.
But even publicising the method would likely end you up in court with Apple in double quick time. I'll maybe do a post on "the anatomy of a jailbreak" when I get some spare time...

That would be excellent. I'd love to read it when it's done.

If it is something like that, maybe something like Wikileaks would be just the ticket :)
No ETA and it's not looking promising. The fellow who had shown a successful iPad 2 JB, Comex, tweeted that he's not even working on it anymore.
Maberib said:
No ETA and it's not looking promising. The fellow who had shown a successful JB, Comex, tweeted that he's not even working on an iPad 2 JB anymore.

Did he? Did not see that tweet, but if this is true; others are still working on it.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Does anybody know how reliable this tweet is?

“@d0nfyxn: Jailbreak untethered iPad 2 beta coming soon”

Sent from my iPad using iPF


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