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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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"It seems the ELEVATOR will be broken at least another week." by i0n1c Stefan Esser

so it seems we have to wait another week, but we already heard that a month ago, so I wouldnt bet ;)
Patience is the key. From the very beginning it has been said that people will be waiting and need patience.

Nothing is perfect and the iPad 2 doesn't defy this rule... It WILL be jailbroken the only question is WHEN?
According to yoshiblog, p0sixninja got the exploit and is working on a jailbreak. Also during web conference yesterday he said that JB will come in few weeks. Maybe the guy is really telling the truth.. who knows....

iPh0neCrack3r Says:
May 16th, 2011 at 11:42 am Hello everyone, first off I want to say thank you to everyone for respecting our rules. Your views are appreciated and respected as long as you dont cross the line. Now I couldn’t reply to anything because like all of you I also have a DAY job where i must go ta make money to survive. The iDevice world is not my life nor anyone elses here. We do this to bring you the latest breaking information as we get it. Also, sorry but I was on IPTT and Vokle the entire time and P0sixninja did not mention anything about the blog or this post. Nice try but heresay is nothing. What did I tell you? Something would happen sunday and what happened? It was finally publicly announced and confirmed therefore confirming I was right. Now I said the Dev’s I was in contact with were passing the exploit off and now look who got it. So keep waiting and in the next couple weeks all you iPad 2 jailbreak waiters will have your needs satisfied. I told you its coming and it is, like I said you heard it here first. Also like Yoshi states above if you notice we have no ads on this blog, therefore we do not gain anything from you coming here, and if you would like to trash or troll as he says
“if you have any more questions there link to the whole iYoshiblogs teams twitter accounts on the bottom of the page so man up and ask me all your questions there from your real accounts and not all these BS names”
We are just providing news and if you are inpatient or mad at whatever then go aheadand voice your opinion, you are entitled to it, and we respect that. Just remember you heard everything that came out today, HERE, first before anyone else had the news. So enjoy and I will continue to provide iPad 2 jailbreak updates here until it is finally released.
P.S. I never said P0sixninja dumped the bootrom. If your going to read the article read and understand it before you comment.
According to yoshiblog, p0sixninja got the exploit and is working on a jailbreak. Also during web conference yesterday he said that JB will come in few weeks. Maybe the guy is really telling the truth.. who knows....

iPh0neCrack3r Says:
May 16th, 2011 at 11:42 am Hello everyone, first off I want to say thank you to everyone for respecting our rules. Your views are appreciated and respected as long as you dont cross the line. Now I couldn’t reply to anything because like all of you I also have a DAY job where i must go ta make money to survive. The iDevice world is not my life nor anyone elses here. We do this to bring you the latest breaking information as we get it. Also, sorry but I was on IPTT and Vokle the entire time and P0sixninja did not mention anything about the blog or this post. Nice try but heresay is nothing. What did I tell you? Something would happen sunday and what happened? It was finally publicly announced and confirmed therefore confirming I was right. Now I said the Dev’s I was in contact with were passing the exploit off and now look who got it. So keep waiting and in the next couple weeks all you iPad 2 jailbreak waiters will have your needs satisfied. I told you its coming and it is, like I said you heard it here first. Also like Yoshi states above if you notice we have no ads on this blog, therefore we do not gain anything from you coming here, and if you would like to trash or troll as he says
“if you have any more questions there link to the whole iYoshiblogs teams twitter accounts on the bottom of the page so man up and ask me all your questions there from your real accounts and not all these BS namesâ€
We are just providing news and if you are inpatient or mad at whatever then go aheadand voice your opinion, you are entitled to it, and we respect that. Just remember you heard everything that came out today, HERE, first before anyone else had the news. So enjoy and I will continue to provide iPad 2 jailbreak updates here until it is finally released.
P.S. I never said P0sixninja dumped the bootrom. If your going to read the article read and understand it before you comment.

So did you watch the live conference? did anyone? i was too late and couldnt catch it, did he really say that it will be here in a couple of weeks?
I think everybody should calm down, yes we all want a jailbreak, yes it's frustrating and yes it's annoying that trolls are a tweeting! But we must not turn on the dev team, or anyone else actively involved in the jailbreak, they work damn hard to free our devices, if they want a small fee I'm ok for that, frankly i'm surprised it never cost anything in the beginning.

All the tweets and web blogs are all just rumours at present, and until we get official news or tweets from respected sources, that's what their continue to be, rumours.

Obviously this time round it's been harder to circumvent the os (or whatever they do) and as the case between geohot and Sony has highlighted, it's very easy to fall into trouble, so everybody is understandably treading very softly and making sure no 'illegal' activities are taking place.

But what we must remember is not to 'bite the hand that feeds us'

Heads up everybody I'm sure the JB will be here soon :)

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Guys, why do people think the elevator is the jailbreak :D, maybe the guy REALLY has a problem with his elevator. Anyway the only hope we have got till now is p0sixninja's jailbreak that he said is due a couple of weeks. Be patient ! And if we didnt get it, their is a higher possibility that we will get it after the release of IOS5,which is a month away or something u know what i mean new firmware, new expoilts ...
Long live the iPad 1!!!

It's funny - everyone assumes that a newer device is "better".... Then we have all of the light bleed issues, then no jailbreak, etc... As I said a million times before - just because something is newer, it doesn't make it better!!

Sorry, but with all of this drama over the iPad 2, I for one am damn glad that I didn't "upgrade"!
jtrosky said:
Long live the iPad 1!!!

It's funny - everyone assumes that a newer device is "better".... Then we have all of the light bleed issues, then no jailbreak, etc... As I said a million times before - just because something is newer, it doesn't make it better!!

Sorry, but with all of this drama over the iPad 2, I for one am damn glad that I didn't "upgrade"!

Good for you... I for one never had an Ipad before, and with jailbreak or not Im still happy I bought it. Jailbreak would be sweet, but Im not banging my head into the walls while Im waiting...
jtrosky said:
Long live the iPad 1!!!

It's funny - everyone assumes that a newer device is "better".... Then we have all of the light bleed issues, then no jailbreak, etc... As I said a million times before - just because something is newer, it doesn't make it better!!

Sorry, but with all of this drama over the iPad 2, I for one am damn glad that I didn't "upgrade"!

maybe we could see wich one of the ipads is the faster ? and run smoothest? maybe your ipad 1 isnt the best afterall ... ?
Eivind said:
maybe we could see wich one of the ipads is the faster ? and run smoothest? maybe your ipad 1 isnt the best afterall ... ?

Wasn't trying to start an iPad 1 vs iPad 2 contest - just saying... I bet people aren't so quick to "upgrade" to the next iPad though....

BTW - my iPad 1 has never been slow (or not smooth) so why would I need it to be faster or smoother???

All I know is that I can do whatever I want with my iPad - I know plenty of people who sold their iPad 1 for the iPad 2 and are now regretting that "upgrade"... Seems to me that the iPad 2 owners are wanting what the iPad 1 already has (when they are not worrying about their light bleed issue).

But hey - to each their own - my point is that just because something is newer, does not mean that it is better - just different! I for one am glad that I resisted the "got to have the newest thing" trend!

I just keeping seeing all of this drama over the jailbreak and I'm glad that I didn't "upgrade".

Sorry for the immature post to begin with - I'll stop now (that was very unlike me)!
SweetPoison said:
Let it go, now. Jtrosky apologized ~ can we get back on topic, please?

Yes ma'am! Now wheres my elevator/stairs? I'm quite surprised by the dev team's decision to charge, if that is really what they decide. Of course I'm happy to pay for it, it's just that they've always gone on and on about how it's free
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