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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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bullka said:
You're a girl? WOW... I'm surprised. I always thought that gadget hacking is a boyish thing :)

She is a girl and a great person. Gadgets are for all ages and persons as well :-)

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Rokrdude2 said:
You could have guessed by her way of talking
One of the nicest mod's(oops super mod after promotion)
lol don't want to go off topic but...

Are you saying the male mods are mean?

I've never had problems with any of the mods
Please don't get offtopic - lets just post any news about the ipad 2 jailbreak here - we don't want this forum to get trashy.

i0n1c Stefan Esser
Freaking good news. The ELEVATOR is working again and it is not RAINing in there.
ipadshoeyuk said:
@i0n1c wait, you got the ELEVATOR working without RAIN? I guess Monday is funday!

As it was posted before.... Back on track

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
So the elevator is working again. It's funny though that i0n1c wrote, that he doesn't have an iPad 2 jb, nor does he have an iPad 2 and he considers all the other accounts tweeting about his private iPad 2 jb parody twitter accounts.

"and all that only because they do not realize that @thegrugq and @msuiche are parody twitter accounts."

i0n1c never stated that elevator is a code word for the jb, @msuiche did, so this whole thing about a private iPad 2 jb is a joke and shouldn't be taken serious.
p0sixninja the known hacker of Chronic Dev Team announced today via his twitter that the software to* jailbreak iPad 2 will release to public within few weeks from now.
p0sixninja announced that through an interview video on Vokle he also said that the Jailbreak will be compatible with iOS 4.3 and above.

iPad 2 Jailbreak exploit (Untethered) seems to be in rudimentary stage and might take time for prime-time availability. Most likely it will be a 1-click jailbreak similar to blackra1n and spirit*
Hmm who cares about ionic and msuiche.. If they dont want to release there JB.. Then what can we do? Theres still other guys that can understand the need for the JB and can see people rely on them with respect. Theres Posixninja, musclenerd and comex.. Unlike ionic and msuiche who thinks they are somewhat too important on the scene.. They are more mature and more deserve for the respect and donations that we can give back to them as a gratitude for not letting us down.. Anyway i read a blog stating that geohot wil release his ipad 2 jailbreak within two weeks but i read something that during the interview of posixninja, he said that geohot show the white flag, and did not enter the Jb ipad 2 scene..do you think this news is true? http://www.geohotjailbreak.com/2011/05/ipad-2-jailbreak-to-be-released-within.html
Hmm who cares about ionic and msuiche.. If they dont want to release there JB.. Then what can we do? Theres still other guys that can understand the need for the JB and can see people rely on them with respect. Theres Posixninja, musclenerd and comex.. Unlike ionic and msuiche who thinks they are somewhat too important on the scene.. They are more mature and more deserve for the respect and donations that we can give back to them as a gratitude for not letting us down..

That's my thought too. He always seems to be angry at people for being interested in the iPad 2 JB. I understand that bing asked the same ETA question over and over must be frustrating, but a) why not make a separate twitter account for your work in the JB scene - it's not as though he shouldn't have been able to predict that JB work = 30000 people intensely following you on twitter b) if he didn't encourage these jokes about JBs he'd probably get fewer repetitive questions.
Maberib said:
That's my thought too. He always seems to be angry at people for being interested in the iPad 2 JB. I understand that bing asked the same ETA question over and over must be frustrating, but a) why not make a separate twitter account for your work in the JB scene - it's not as though he shouldn't have been able to predict that JB work = 30000 people intensely following you on twitter b) if he didn't encourage these jokes about JBs he'd probably get fewer repetitive questions.

Totally agree, if he just ignored the tweets and not make some ridles, maybe all the troubles / attention would be gone...
I think it would do some good to just ignore/unfollow the devs messing with people and hope they fall into obscurity. I'm sure they'll be dying for attention after realizing that their fans make them who they are in just about every way. I for one may not w be donating anything this time.

Also, if they are afraid of getting in trouble, they won't be charging. That opens up the door to lawsuits in my opinion, as they are enriching themselves with what courts may see as illegal proceeds because of copyright infringement.
jtrosky said:
Long live the iPad 1!!!

It's funny - everyone assumes that a newer device is "better".... Then we have all of the light bleed issues, then no jailbreak, etc... As I said a million times before - just because something is newer, it doesn't make it better!!

Sorry, but with all of this drama over the iPad 2, I for one am damn glad that I didn't "upgrade"!

Sorry buddy, but I have both iPads and there's nooooo way the iPad1 is better. Even with a Jailbreak. I still go to my iPad1 but only when I just wanna see what's in Cydia. The whole entire rest of the time, I'm on my iPad2.

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