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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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I also seen this tweet and I hope they release the 4.3 Jailbreak when they update GP! That would be awesome! It would be Beast if they got it to work on all 4.3.x by then....


Ur lucky u got your iPad 2..all you have to do is wait..once they give word that this jailbreak is gonna be released for 4.3.3 I am selling this iPad of mine and getting an iPad 2..I am SO excited..I go to the Apple store whenever I have a chance and play around with it, SO awesome!! I asked one of the apple guys today about yellow bleeding issues and he said he never heard of anything like that so hopefully when I get mine I won't experience any of those issues
Lakerfanalways said:
Exactly..and the iPad 2 that has been available both online and in stores has 4.3.3 right out of the box..so what I think the dev team should do is maybe take a little longer but make it so that people can jailbreak with 4.3.3 that way the ones who are on 4.3 can just upgrade to the newest firmware but still jailbreak..whats the point of having a jailbreak available for the iPad 2 if only a select few can use it

The people with 4.3 have been waiting longer than the others on 4.3.x.(unless they updated) I can see the Devs releasing it for 4.3 and then updating it within a week or two for all firmwares.

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Lakerfanalways said:
Exactly..and the iPad 2 that has been available both online and in stores has 4.3.3 right out of the box..so what I think the dev team should do is maybe take a little longer but make it so that people can jailbreak with 4.3.3 that way the ones who are on 4.3 can just upgrade to the newest firmware but still jailbreak..whats the point of having a jailbreak available for the iPad 2 if only a select few can use it

The people with 4.3 have been waiting longer than the others on 4.3.x.(unless they updated) I can see the Devs releasing it for 4.3 and then updating it within a week or two for all firmwares.


I'd totally be for that if that happened. I think they are holding things very close because they don't want to tip Apple off so they end up patching the next firmware. That is why I am getting the iPad 2 as soon as possible, so at most I will be at 4.3.3..I absolutely agree that for those who have 4.3 you guys get 1st priority since you guys have been on that firmware since the iPad 2 came out..what I think they should do, is even if it takes a little longer, release the jailbreak for 4.3.3 that way EVERYONE can use it at once, and everyone who has lower firmwares just upgrade
Lakerfanalways said:
Ur lucky u got your iPad 2..all you have to do is wait..once they give word that this jailbreak is gonna be released for 4.3.3 I am selling this iPad of mine and getting an iPad 2..I am SO excited..I go to the Apple store whenever I have a chance and play around with it, SO awesome!! I asked one of the apple guys today about yellow bleeding issues and he said he never heard of anything like that so hopefully when I get mine I won't experience any of those issues

I have that issue and it don't bother me! I love my iPad2 and can't wait to Jailbreak it! I'm gonna install RetinaPad, SmartScreen, and I'm gonna put the SilverHaz3 theme on it! sweeeeeeet.....

Lakerfanalways said:
Ur lucky u got your iPad 2..all you have to do is wait..once they give word that this jailbreak is gonna be released for 4.3.3 I am selling this iPad of mine and getting an iPad 2..I am SO excited..I go to the Apple store whenever I have a chance and play around with it, SO awesome!! I asked one of the apple guys today about yellow bleeding issues and he said he never heard of anything like that so hopefully when I get mine I won't experience any of those issues

I have that issue and it don't bother me! I love my iPad2 and can't wait to Jailbreak it! I'm gonna install RetinaPad, SmartScreen, and I'm gonna put the SilverHaz3 theme on it! sweeeeeeet.....


U have the yellow bleeding screen? Since you have it, can you tell me how to find out if I have it when I do get my iPad..see Im the opposite, I wouldn't accept it any other way then absolutely perfect..when I get mine jailbroken I am gonna put winterboard, sbsettings, infinidock, infinifolders, and those awesome iPad themes I love so much
Basically when your iPad is display black color (like when you turn on your iPad with the apple logo) u will seen some yellow blobs around the edges. I just realized my iPad had this problem a couple days ago, but I've had it for maybe around 2 months now. It's not really a big problem though. Im on 4.3 right now but if jailbreak for 4.3.3 come out I might consider getting a replacement.
Basically when your iPad is display black color (like when you turn on your iPad with the apple logo) u will seen some yellow blobs around the edges. I just realized my iPad had this problem a couple days ago, but I've had it for maybe around 2 months now. It's not really a big problem though. Im on 4.3 right now but if jailbreak for 4.3.3 come out I might consider getting a replacement.

its funny the bleed screen is how i got mine replaced within a week of getting it, luckily the new one still had 4.3 on it (i ******* up my jailbreak on my first one and was forced to update to 4.3.1 on it) ironically the screen bleed on this one is significantly worse than my first one, but i dont care :)
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Basically when your iPad is display black color (like when you turn on your iPad with the apple logo) u will seen some yellow blobs around the edges. I just realized my iPad had this problem a couple days ago, but I've had it for maybe around 2 months now. It's not really a big problem though. Im on 4.3 right now but if jailbreak for 4.3.3 come out I might consider getting a replacement.

its funny the bleed screen is how i got mine replaced within a week of getting it, luckily the new one still had 4.3 on it (i ******* up my jailbreak on my first one and was forced to update to 4.3.1 on it) ironically the screen bleed on this one is significantly worse than my first one, but i dont care :)

I assume these yellow bleed issues are something you notice right away..like the second I turn on my iPad I will notice it..? its not like of those things that takes a while to have happen..I will be on the lookout for it once I get my iPad 2(Once I get more info about if 4.3.3 will get covered, hopefully, crossing fingers)
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Lakerfanalways said:
I assume these yellow bleed issues are something you notice right away..like the second I turn on my iPad I will notice it..? its not like of those things that takes a while to have happen..I will be on the lookout for it once I get my iPad 2(Once I get more info about if 4.3.3 will get covered, hopefully, crossing fingers)
I never noticed it until I read about it and I had my iPad 2 for about 2 weeks before I read about it, non issue really.

Take bile as an example... Your second one can be worse than your first.
Basically when your iPad is display black color (like when you turn on your iPad with the apple logo) u will seen some yellow blobs around the edges. I just realized my iPad had this problem a couple days ago, but I've had it for maybe around 2 months now. It's not really a big problem though. Im on 4.3 right now but if jailbreak for 4.3.3 come out I might consider getting a replacement.

its funny the bleed screen is how i got mine replaced within a week of getting it, luckily the new one still had 4.3 on it (i ******* up my jailbreak on my first one and was forced to update to 4.3.1 on it) ironically the screen bleed on this one is significantly worse than my first one, but i dont care :)

I assume these yellow bleed issues are something you notice right away..like the second I turn on my iPad I will notice it..? its not like of those things that takes a while to have happen..I will be on the lookout for it once I get my iPad 2(Once I get more info about if 4.3.3 will get covered, hopefully, crossing fingers)

well you usually dont stare intensely at the apple logo screen when you turn on the iPad, at least i dont. and the startup is fairly quick, it could be unnoticeable too if the bleed is not severe
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its funny the bleed screen is how i got mine replaced within a week of getting it, luckily the new one still had 4.3 on it (i ******* up my jailbreak on my first one and was forced to update to 4.3.1 on it) ironically the screen bleed on this one is significantly worse than my first one, but i dont care :)

I assume these yellow bleed issues are something you notice right away..like the second I turn on my iPad I will notice it..? its not like of those things that takes a while to have happen..I will be on the lookout for it once I get my iPad 2(Once I get more info about if 4.3.3 will get covered, hopefully, crossing fingers)

well you usually dont stare intensely at the apple logo screen when you turn on the iPad, at least i dont. and the startup is fairly quick, it could be unnoticeable too if the bleed is not severe

When I Get mine I will stare at it LOL..when I went to the Apple store today, and I Mentioned to one of the guys who work there about it, he had no clue what I was talking about, said he never heard of it..so I guess its the luck of the draw. When I got my iPod Touch 4th Gen, I read about so many people having issues with dead pixels and things like that but I lucked out(I bought mine on amazon.com) so I guess its just a matter of getting lucky..maybe now they are making them better, and since I have not purchased mine yet I will get one with less odds of having issues
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Unless they've fixed something recently, they all have it. I'm sure the employee knows what you're talking about, but he's not about to admit that every device of their flagship model has a pretty significant flaw (to some). The good news is that it isn't noticeable. To see it, you need to have an all black screen up with the brightness at 100% and be in almost total darkness. Seriously, it's a non-issue. I only know mine is affected because I was told to do what I mentioned.
kevbo said:
Unless they've fixed something recently, they all have it. I'm sure the employee knows what you're talking about, but he's not about to admit that every device of their flagship model has a pretty significant flaw (to some). The good news is that it isn't noticeable. To see it, you need to have an all black screen up with the brightness at 100% and be in almost total darkness. Seriously, it's a non-issue. I only know mine is affected because I was told to do what I mentioned.
+1 well said especially "I'm sure the employee knows what you're talking about, but he's not about to admit"
They all might have it but the degree of it varies from unit to unit. I heard about it from some website and created a black screen and set it as a wallpaper. For me to see it I have to crank the brightness up all the way and go into a room with no windows and close the door so it's pitch dark... this isn't real world use for me so I don't care. I've seen others post pictures where it is pretty significant.
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