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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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Can someone bring this thread back on topic plz?

Anyway nice to hear Joshs tweet saying the jb is going smoothly, just wish we could have a more tangible date of release.. The waiting...
Can someone bring this thread back on topic plz?

Anyway nice to hear Joshs tweet saying the jb is going smoothly, just wish we could have a more tangible date of release.. The waiting...

and of course the most important question that I am waiting for..will his jailbreak work with 4.3.3..we already know it will work with 4.3 but its 4.3.3 that I am the most concerned with :-) SO great to hear he is progressing well
holymasteric said:
haha okay a poll sounds cool

It is in the process of being moved to the poll section instead of the hacking section. That's where y'all can find it! :)
Back on topic.... Which I guess is dead.
how about...
lets talk about what features from cydia you guys are looking forward to with this jailbreak?
i want SBSettings for my ipad 2... its too inconvenient without it
also switchermod
I am looking forward to having(When I get my iPad 2) sbsettings, winterboard, infinifolders, infinidock..graviboard, and of course those awesome iPad themes..on an iPad 2 with that updated display will make it look amazing!
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