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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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Agreed, any further discussion of backlight bleeding should be discussed in its own thread in the iPad2 forum.
Keep the thread focused on the jailbreak please.
There's NO JAILBREAK! what shall we discuss!?:):)

Simple bullka. If there's no jailbreak news, then nothing! :D

Everyone is welcome to discuss anything iPad related (and anything at all in our off-topic forum), provided the threads stay focused and relevant.

But a lack of JB news is not an excuse to discuss any old subject in this thread! That's against our rules. It's not a chat room I'm afraid...
Remember, lots of people get email notifications when you post here. It is no fun if you keep checking back for no good reason. It makes em :mad:

So, back on topic please. Discuss backlight bleeding in another thread in the iPad2 forum if you like. It seems to be a popular enough subject to warrant it!
Agreed, any further discussion of backlight bleeding should be discussed in its own thread in the iPad2 forum.
Keep the thread focused on the jailbreak please.

There's NO JAILBREAK! what shall we discuss!?:):)

Agreed, any further discussion of backlight bleeding should be discussed in its own thread in the iPad2 forum.
Keep the thread focused on the jailbreak please.

Pwned Pak said:
Can you stay on op topic please

That was kinda mean...
so was the above

but rules are rules

stay on topic
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