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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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There are so many features to list and I know I will more than likely get flamed for this by fanboys.. But Im kinda looking forward to installing flash and swype. Flash for obvious reasons and swype seems pretty efficient on my phone.
I am looking forward to having(When I get my iPad 2) sbsettings, winterboard, infinifolders, infinidock..graviboard, and of course those awesome iPad themes..on an iPad 2 with that updated display will make it look amazing!

oh maan, yea infinidock and infinifolders would be awesome!

I prefer scrolling dock & enhancedFolders better IMO.

There are so many features to list and I know I will more than likely get flamed for this by fanboys.. But Im kinda looking forward to installing flash and swype. Flash for obvious reasons and swype seems pretty efficient on my phone.

Even with jb, flash won't work....the frash app from cydia is no longer supported and no longer works.
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Yes I suppose my thread would be about 5 pages not 147 if it stayed on topic

It's a shame that there is no real concrete news on the JB to report
Argyle said:
Yes I suppose my thread would be about 5 pages not 147 if it stayed on topic

It's a shame that there is no real concrete news on the JB to report
It will be nice if the thread did stay on topic
If there is nothing else to discuss: Why is the jailbreak depending on one person? I mean isn't jailbreaking a huge business model with a lot of money?! So why aren't the tweak/app developers or maybe even saurik paying people for the jailbreak instead of relying on donations?! Maybe they could use then more of their time to get the jailbreak done.
If there is nothing else to discuss: Why is the jailbreak depending on one person? I mean isn't jailbreaking a huge business model with a lot of money?! So why aren't the tweak/app developers or maybe even saurik paying people for the jailbreak instead of relying on donations?! Maybe they could use then more of their time to get the jailbreak done.

i think that is exactly the problem with items from the cydia store. i've been rather liberal with buying from the app store, but paid apps in cydia i always think twice: do I really need it? will this even be necessary with the new firmware update? will this even be supported long term? and now the new question: will i even get jailbreak anytime soon? lol
Does anyone think the lack of a JB will boost other tablet sales? The pragmatic side of me says it won't because the hacking community is usually unimportant, but I have to say, with the new Galaxy Tab coming out, I'm reaching the end of my patience. I'm feeling claustrophobic over here.
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I doubt so. I'd strongly discourage you from going for an android tablet for now. Let ice cream sandwich come, honeycomb doesn't seem to be the most stable OS. Wait for the hardware acceleration improvements. I'm definitely with there with the impatience but for now iOS is pretty unbeatable.

But come next year, I'll hopefully have meego, Microsoft's thing and android to choose from. iOS is starting to feel not worth the effort.

BTW, there's a sale by EA and gameloft on a lot of games this weekend. I just bought mortal kombat and reckless racing HD. I.think fifa 11 and some other games I already have are on sale too.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
brrip said:
I doubt so. I'd strongly discourage you from going for an android tablet for now. Let ice cream sandwich come, honeycomb doesn't seem to be the most stable OS. Wait for the hardware acceleration improvements. I'm definitely with there with the impatience but for now iOS is pretty unbeatable.

But come next year, I'll hopefully have meego, Microsoft's thing and android to choose from. iOS is starting to feel not worth the effort.

BTW, there's a sale by EA and gameloft on a lot of games this weekend. I just bought mortal kombat and reckless racing HD. I.think fifa 11 and some other games I already have are on sale too.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

Gameloft isn't having the sale, it's just EA...

brrip said:
I doubt so. I'd strongly discourage you from going for an android tablet for now. Let ice cream sandwich come, honeycomb doesn't seem to be the most stable OS. Wait for the hardware acceleration improvements. I'm definitely with there with the impatience but for now iOS is pretty unbeatable.

But come next year, I'll hopefully have meego, Microsoft's thing and android to choose from. iOS is starting to feel not worth the effort.

BTW, there's a sale by EA and gameloft on a lot of games this weekend. I just bought mortal kombat and reckless racing HD. I.think fifa 11 and some other games I already have are on sale too.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

Gameloft isn't having the sale, it's just EA...


yes it is.

"New iPad games sale! Now at $0.99 for a limited time:
Fast Five the Movie: Official Game HD
Assassin's Creed-Altair's Chronicles HD
Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden HD - Full Version
Fishing Kings HD

never said they were good games, but they ARE having a sale ;)
kevbo said:
Does anyone think the lack of a JB will boost other tablet sales? The pragmatic side of me says it won't because the hacking community is usually unimportant, but I have to say, with the new Galaxy Tab coming out, I'm reaching the end of my patience. I'm feeling claustrophobic over here.

This is not solely directed at YOU, so don't take it personal, it was just your post I chose to make this point on. Okay?

I've seen this line of thinking several times.. With the Xoom, with the Playbook, and now with the Galaxy Tab, and surely with the new HTC that's coming.. I sincerely wish everyone well with whatever they go and get.. If the iPad jailbreak, or lack thereof is what's forcing them in that direction, then I suggest they go with what they feel..

My advice, hold on to your iPad 2 in the interim, and please note the return policy on those other devices, should you decide to actually go out and buy one, and you're not just in here spouting angry speak as if the threat of getting something else will make the Dev Team or whoever else is working on the jailbreak work harder and faster.. It won't.. Your returned iPad 2 just makes room for another person who wants one, it's not like they're just sitting on the shelves, like the above-named devices... Good thing is, should you really decide to get one of those, there will be no lines, no wait, no anything, just walk into just about any electronics store, they'll have plenty on hand, ready for you to buy, so there's the good in that..

I guess I said all of that to say, enjoy your Android tablet.. I'm past the point of trying to talk someone into keeping their iPad 2 (because the jailbreak isn't happening fast enough for their personal liking).. ESPECIALLY when they bought it knowing it's limitations.. Buying it based solely on the mere possibility of a jailbreak was probably a foolish purchase, because one was never promised to us, not by the Dev Team, and certainly not by Apple..

Me, i'm going to just wait and not bug the guys doing the coding to bring the jailbreak to us.. Would I like one, YES, but do I understand that these things take time, YES again.. I check this thread daily for updates as to the status, and I trust that someday we'll all be in jailbreak heaven, but for now, I patiently wait..

So, in closing, if you've truly reached wits end, I say DO IT! Go and get something that will give you everything you want TODAY.. 

Be well..

Sent from my iPad Deux.. d(-_-)b
brrip said:
I doubt so. I'd strongly discourage you from going for an android tablet for now. Let ice cream sandwich come, honeycomb doesn't seem to be the most stable OS. Wait for the hardware acceleration improvements. I'm definitely with there with the impatience but for now iOS is pretty unbeatable.

I think the Galaxy Tab is going to have the Exynos SoC, isn't it? I heard Samsung enabled hardware acceleration for it, although I could be mistaken.

And Silent Assassin.. I'm definitely not here to pressure the Dev Team to release a jailbreak faster. I don't expect them to care. I also don't really see how my post could have been taken as angry. However, I'm sure that everyone else here is surprised that the jailbreak has taken so long. It is very important to me for several reasons which I've outlined in other threads.

Since this is a JB thread, I thought I'd see what others in the same situation were thinking. Of course no one ever promised me a jailbreak, but I certainly expected one and I don't think anyone can blame me for that. I'm not blaming the Dev Team. I just can't see a jailbreak for anything other 4.3 for another couple of months.

Also, to be fair, if I did sell my iPad, it would hurt Apple because Apple would sell one less iPad. I can't imagine someone paying $580 for a used iPad and couldn't eventually come up with an extra $20 for a new one. But I was talking about sales anyway. It's not about whether someone shouldn't buy an iPad that isn't jailbroken, but an objective measure of success.
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