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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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holymasteric said:
how about...
lets talk about what features from cydia you guys are looking forward to with this jailbreak?
i want SBSettings for my ipad 2... its too inconvenient without it
also switchermod

I'm looking forward to sbsettings of course, winter board, infinifolders, the blackUPS HD theme...etc

Sent from Jessy's iPad2 using iPF
Hey guys, another tweet from @veeence...
For those of you who don't know, he's some friend of the dev team members and communicates with them regularly. But i think @musclenerd had told him to stop tweeting wrong updates before, and heres what he tweeted 3 hrs ago:

It'll likely work on the iPad 2G as well, as soon as it gets jailbroken. Rough ETA is about 3 weeks, according to @p0sixninja.

@p0sixninja never said a definite ETA, and definitely never said "3 weeks". So i don't know what to make of this
It'll likely work on the iPad 2G as well, as soon as it gets jailbroken. Rough ETA is about 3 weeks, according to @p0sixninja.

@p0sixninja never said a definite ETA, and definitely never said "3 weeks". So i don't know what to make of this

I wonder if there is a training course I can send you guys on to teach how to read a twitter stream :D - I'm being cheeky of course...

He is talking about the tweet he made just previous to that, which was a video announcing a new jailbreak app in development for the iPad which enables ALL telephony functionality. Finally turning it into the giant iPhone we have always wanted! The ETA for THAT is 3 weeks according p0sixninja (not verified by me).
NOTHING TO DO WITH THE JAILBREAK. He just means WHENEVER the iPad2 jailbreak is released, this new telephony enabling Cydia app should work on the iPad2. OK? Just like we are sure 99% of JB apps which work on the iPad1 will work on the iPad2 when it is finally jailbroken.
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kevbo said:
I think the Galaxy Tab is going to have the Exynos SoC, isn't it? I heard Samsung enabled hardware acceleration for it, although I could be mistaken.

And Silent Assassin.. I'm definitely not here to pressure the Dev Team to release a jailbreak faster. I don't expect them to care. I also don't really see how my post could have been taken as angry. However, I'm sure that everyone else here is surprised that the jailbreak has taken so long. It is very important to me for several reasons which I've outlined in other threads.

Since this is a JB thread, I thought I'd see what others in the same situation were thinking. Of course no one ever promised me a jailbreak, but I certainly expected one and I don't think anyone can blame me for that. I'm not blaming the Dev Team. I just can't see a jailbreak for anything other 4.3 for another couple of months.

Also, to be fair, if I did sell my iPad, it would hurt Apple because Apple would sell one less iPad. I can't imagine someone paying $580 for a used iPad and couldn't eventually come up with an extra $20 for a new one. But I was talking about sales anyway. It's not about whether someone shouldn't buy an iPad that isn't jailbroken, but an objective measure of success.

Totally understood..

Sent from my iPad Deux.. d(-_-)b
kevbo said:
I think the Galaxy Tab is going to have the Exynos SoC, isn't it? I heard Samsung enabled hardware acceleration for it, although I could be mistaken.

Yup you're absolutely right. Hardware acceleration is a feature of honeycomb, but from all I've heard honeycomb feels rather half baked. I've been dying to play with a xoom but can't seem to find it anywhere in the UK. But yeah, I think what makes the iPad great is the app ecosystem. I REALLY hope the other OSes get there act together by next year. I do not like buying apple products if I can help it but the iPad is just too damn far ahead of its competition to pass up. Does help that the price difference isn't that huge either.
It'll likely work on the iPad 2G as well, as soon as it gets jailbroken. Rough ETA is about 3 weeks, according to @p0sixninja.

@p0sixninja never said a definite ETA, and definitely never said "3 weeks". So i don't know what to make of this

I wonder if there is a training course I can send you guys on to teach how to read a twitter stream :D - I'm being cheeky of course...

He is talking about the tweet he made just previous to that, which was a video announcing a new jailbreak app in development for the iPad which enables ALL telephony functionality. Finally turning it into the giant iPhone we have always wanted! The ETA for THAT is 3 weeks according p0sixninja (not verified by me).
NOTHING TO DO WITH THE JAILBREAK. He just means WHENEVER the iPad2 jailbreak is released, this new telephony enabling Cydia app should work on the iPad2. OK? Just like we are sure 99% of JB apps which work on the iPad1 will work on the iPad2 when it is finally jailbroken.

Dear moderator...

Im aware of the previous tweet he tweeted about the the iPad telephone tweak from islamiphone. what makes you think the "3 weeks" ETA is referring to the tweak but not the iPad 2 jb? p0sixninja never mentioned anything about that tweak.
Well maybe I'm wrong. Well just have to wait 3 weeks and see... I've been known to be wrong before :)
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It is a bit confusing, but then again......its been that way for weeks.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Well, i just wanted to bring the latest news to this thread for you all to see. better than letting it ran by people talking about android tablets, completely off topic.
Yes and its good to know what is going on. Even if their Twitters can be explained two ways.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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