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iPadForums.net Upgrade Problems - Issues Thread

Parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error .........

An ipad forum that doesn't even have an app ??????????????????

How can this be taken seriously ????


Regardless of access via a " browser" ( YUK ) , an app is more appropriate and befitting of the devices this forum discusses , why why why wreck a good thing ?????
Parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error .........

An ipad forum that doesn't even have an app ??????????????????

How can this be taken seriously ????


Regardless of access via a " browser" ( YUK ) , an app is more appropriate and befitting of the devices this forum discusses , why why why wreck a good thing ?????
Agree entirely. Just a little point. What has happened to the member desciptions. With almost 300 posts I used to be an iPad fa, now I am a novice, and I have checked others with many more posts who are the same. Very odd. Very confusing. Any explanation ?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Thanks Leelai. They are a great group. I have two more kids with four more grands. I am an extremely fortunate woman.
Parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error .........

An ipad forum that doesn't even have an app ??????????????????

How can this be taken seriously ????


Regardless of access via a " browser" ( YUK ) , an app is more appropriate and befitting of the devices this forum discusses , why why why wreck a good thing ?????

Agree entirely. Just a little point. What has happened to the member desciptions. With almost 300 posts I used to be an iPad fa, now I am a novice, and I have checked others with many more posts who are the same. Very odd. Very confusing. Any explanation ?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Bear with us. We are working as hard as we can to learn and understand the new software. On the whole it looks like it will be much better, but there will be some learning on the way.

I haven't tried Tapatalk since the change, but I'm told it works. I have Tapatalk Pro, so I'll add the forum and give it a try. I'm concentrating on learning the browser version for now though.
Parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error after parse error .........

An ipad forum that doesn't even have an app ??????????????????

How can this be taken seriously ????


Regardless of access via a " browser" ( YUK ) , an app is more appropriate and befitting of the devices this forum discusses , why why why wreck a good thing ?????

The iPad Forum app was made specifically for Forum Foundry's iPad Forums back in January 2011. It accessed the forum software the forum used at the time, vBulletin.

Unfortunately, the developer of the iPad Forum-specific app has not updated it since February 2013 (with the last real update in March 2012). That was way before iOS 7.x, so the app was already not working as well as it could have been.

Now, the owners of this forum have elected to update the forum software. And, this new forum software runs different coding (the forum now uses the forum software called XenForo), so it won't work with the old app. It's like trying to get a Mac to run Microsoft Excel files - you have to get special software ... or update the software you currently own.

For now, there is no update for the "official" iPad Forums app. And, I don't know if an update is being worked on or if another app is in development that will run/interact with the new software.

If using the Safari/web version is not working for you, may I suggest the free Tapatalk app (link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tapatalk/id307880732?mt=8). I've used it since the start of my time here (about 3 years) and, IMHO, it compares very well to the "old" app. Yes, there are some areas that are different than the old IPF app, but it still appears very similar to me. You will see the same areas you had before - quick access to unread posts, your messages, your profile and various forums. In layout, they almost look the same and have the same interaction.

The best is that Tapatalk can read the new forum software - so you won't hardly notice a difference in your interactions.

I offer any assistance anyone may need in navigating the Tapatalk app. I can start a new thread in the Help section just for Tapatalk questions should anyone wish.

Hope this helps.

New thread for Tapatalk would be a great help. I can find very little in the way of help.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Well I didn't realise that the Rainbow was neutral, I'm sure I gave one to someone because it just seemed the right one to give at the time....if I'd known it was neutral I would have given a different one though.

What do others think about these?

I don't think we need explicitly negative ratings. Dislike, whether it shows up positive or not, is asking for trouble.

If there is a culling, the ratings I would like to keep are: Like, Agree, Funny, Informative, and Useful. If we have to have a way of disagreeing with a post or giving negative/neutral feedback, then Disagree should be enough. Unlike Dislike, it is clearly referring to the content of the post.

I have to admit there are places on the internet where I'd be happy to see a Dislike rating; but not here, or any other place where I want people to remain friendly, or at least polite. If we dislike or disagree with another person it is better we explain why and avoid misunderstanding, rather than hide behind a rating. Reasoned disagreement also adds to the value of a thread; an unexplained rating, less so.

The other ratings I didn't list because I'm not sure how they should be used, or if there is any point in using them in this forum. If it is unclear to me then I suspect it's unclear to most others as well. I don't object to them. I just think they will be kind of randomly meaningless without better guidance; which is probably not worth the effort.

Except for the Old rating. Telling someone that what they posted is Old, without also thanking them for making the effort to be helpful feels rude, at least to me.

Just my two cents, plus tax and inflation.
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Winner, in some cases, I would see (and use) with an extremely negative connotation:

"We have a real winner here. Next time, perhaps you could wait for at least two braincells to collide before spouting your drivel." (Not that I'd EVER use that on this forum, of course.)

I like the idea of being able to "Dislike" or "Disagree with" a post without writing a screed explaining why. In fact, I've seen requests on other forums for just such a capability.

I agree that "old" is very unlikely to be helpful, unless, of course, it was used to point out that a reply pertains to an older version of iOS (in the case of this forum).
I'm with twerppoet in this case, although I've often thought of disliking a post before the upgrade.

But I think it should be clear enough: if I give an Agree to an opinion of one member, but not to the other with a different sight, then I disagree. Same goes for Likes. Giving somebody a Like, but not someone else with the opposite opinion, is already a statement, imo.

This forum didn't need neutral or even negative ratings before, so why add them now? I don't think that they will do any good, au contraire.
Btw: when trying to post my previous answer, I got the following error three times:


  • image.webp
    69.2 KB · Views: 155
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It would be good for an iPad forum to use a character encoding that's recognized by the iPad.


People sometimes post from a Windows browser, or even worse from MS Word, but the forum software should be able to intercept nonstandard characters and translate them into normal ones.
I've also seen this in old posts (before upgrade), which were right before, and now look like this.

What I noticed was that the "old" youtube links in the Music thread are not visible any more, but they must be there, because I saw one of them when I edited one of my own posts. When quoted, they are visible.
Same goes for the Favourite Youtube Videos thread.
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