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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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KaiHD said:
Ugh, I keep getting redirected to /star. It's so annoying.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Then stop visiting and refreshing the site.... ;)
You'll find out soon enough when it is released.

Agreed It's a wonder the page hasn't crashed under the load of people checking out out before anything is even released :p

I've checked it once or twice myself though so I'm not immune to that temptation :o
It's a CHAT thread- as long as its related to JB and follows the rules, it's okay-

Feel free to follow the news thread instead- if the asinine contents of this thread bother you THAT much.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

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KaiHD said:
It's a CHAT thread- along as its related to JB ad follows the rules, it's okay- even if it's "asinine". It's chat, of course some of it's gonna be asinine.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Asinine posts I can live with, it's the constant duplicate asinine posts that get me down....

iWant my iCloud
Okay guys! Let's just all simmer down. I understand how you all feel ~ but this is a chat thread about the JB that isn't coming.

At the moment.

Let's try to not duplicate stuff and chill. Have a little fun. Some stuff is to lighten the mood ~ because you all need that at times:)
SweetPoison said:
Okay guys! Let's just all simmer down. I understand how you all feel ~ but this is a chat thread about the JB that isn't coming.

At the moment.

Let's try to not duplicate stuff and chill. Have a little fun. Some stuff is to lighten the mood ~ because you all need that at times:)

Chilling! *freezes self*

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
No new posts, no tweets, nothing ... What a boring day :(

Was just about to post the same..and no tweets from anyone involved or not..no Comex,P0sixninja,Veence,Musclenerd..nobody EXCEPT that I read a not very old post from p0sixninja answering one of his followers about releasing his own version of the JB and he replied.."that would be a waste of so many exploits"..so everyone is claiming to own an exploit or JB and no sign of anything...you are right ....booooring :mad:
No new posts, no tweets, nothing ... What a boring day :(

Was just about to post the same..and no tweets from anyone involved or not..no Comex,P0sixninja,Veence,Musclenerd..nobody EXCEPT that I read a not very old post from p0sixninja answering one of his followers about releasing his own version of the JB and he replied.."that would be a waste of so many exploits"..so everyone is claiming to own an exploit or JB and no sign of anything...you are right ....booooring :mad:

Only one you need to follow is comex. p0sixninja is no longer working on it, veence isn't reliable, I don't know much about musclenerd.
Wookiee2cu said:
Only one you need to follow is comex. p0sixninja is no longer working on it, veence isn't reliable, I don't know much about musclenerd.

I personally like @veence and follow him. He's not right about the ETAs. But he knows something about jailbraking and he talks a lot.

And that's good as he can sometimes provide information devs doesn't want us to tell. You just need to use your brain to filter that information.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks a lot sweetpoison. You had to go and mention popping popcorn. I am on a low carb diet and after reading your post I just couldn't resist the urge anymore. Mmmmm fresh popped buttery popcorn! Want some?
johnl316 said:
Thanks a lot sweetpoison. You had to go and mention popping popcorn. I am on a low carb diet and after reading your post I just couldn't resist the urge anymore. Mmmmm fresh popped buttery popcorn! Want some?

Is popcorn that unhealthy ? Its like eating corn ... Just popped i guess (see what i dod there)
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