iPF Noob
It would appear so. Pop come popcorn.
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KaiHD said:Ugh, I keep getting redirected to /star. It's so annoying.
- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2!
Then stop visiting and refreshing the site....
You'll find out soon enough when it is released.
KaiHD said:It's a CHAT thread- along as its related to JB ad follows the rules, it's okay- even if it's "asinine". It's chat, of course some of it's gonna be asinine.
- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2!
SweetPoison said:Okay guys! Let's just all simmer down. I understand how you all feel ~ but this is a chat thread about the JB that isn't coming.
At the moment.
Let's try to not duplicate stuff and chill. Have a little fun. Some stuff is to lighten the mood ~ because you all need that at times
No new posts, no tweets, nothing ... What a boring day
No new posts, no tweets, nothing ... What a boring day
No new posts, no tweets, nothing ... What a boring day
Was just about to post the same..and no tweets from anyone involved or not..no Comex,P0sixninja,Veence,Musclenerd..nobody EXCEPT that I read a not very old post from p0sixninja answering one of his followers about releasing his own version of the JB and he replied.."that would be a waste of so many exploits"..so everyone is claiming to own an exploit or JB and no sign of anything...you are right ....booooring
Wookiee2cu said:Only one you need to follow is comex. p0sixninja is no longer working on it, veence isn't reliable, I don't know much about musclenerd.
johnl316 said:Thanks a lot sweetpoison. You had to go and mention popping popcorn. I am on a low carb diet and after reading your post I just couldn't resist the urge anymore. Mmmmm fresh popped buttery popcorn! Want some?