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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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I tried to clik on pdf with my fw version, ip2 wifi 32gb, fw 4.3.2. Nothing happends, just close safari. So most probably this is just test for lucky ones who stayed on 4.3 ;)

I was 4.3 until last week too.. and didnt bother saving 4.3 blob because Comex said 4.3.3 would work so I didnt see the point. Oh well.

Can I pretend that the leak will cause Comex to release the website today rather than waiting another day or two? Please?
I tried to clik on pdf with my fw version, ip2 wifi 32gb, fw 4.3.2. Nothing happends, just close safari. So most probably this is just test for lucky ones who stayed on 4.3 ;)

I was 4.3 until last week too.. and didnt bother saving 4.3 blob because Comex said 4.3.3 would work so I didnt see the point. Oh well.

Can I pretend that the leak will cause Comex to release the website today rather than waiting another day or two? Please?

Apple stopped signing 4,3 long long time ago. So even if you decided to save blobs last week - you couldn't have done this.
I thought that was the point of saving them? If apple signed for it you wouldn't need anything?

I'm obviously not an expert on any of this though and have never tried to restore to an older firmware so ok though.
iRaptor25 said:
I thought that was the point of saving them? If apple signed for it you wouldn't need anything?

I'm obviously not an expert on any of this though and have never tried to restore to an older firmware so ok though.

You have to save your blobs when apple are signing them and then you can downgrade to that firmware later even if apple aren't signing it then.
Swell the jailbreak showed [...snip of illegal stuff we don't mention here...] no way do the devs promote piracy so again, I am unsatisfied that it's part of comex's jailbreak

He's nowhere mentioning to promote piracy, but feel free to complain to him LOL!!
OMG OMG! My ipad2 64g Wifi - 4.3. Is finally Free! I jailbroke it about an hour ago & can confirm it actually works- finally Funday is here! I have not installed ssb settings yet..(subject to above post not working..?- may try it myself later) but all my favourite ones are working :cool:
So much to do- so little time..
I will post again later when I have tested further.. I hope this encourages co ex to release his JB for higher firmwares ;)

A big thx 2 this forum for keeping me updated on the JB scene- cheers guys
If the mirrors are getting took down comex is probably waiting for that because he can then release a jailbreak where only his will be on the Internet to avoid confusion from mirrors
Is there anyway u cud brick the iPad using this exploit..I wanna go ahead..but it won't brick it for life will it? I mean I can recover back rite? And can someone who has done it successfully please post a step by step procedure? Mine is 16 gb wifi 4.3 :)

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Is there anyway u cud brick the iPad using this exploit..I wanna go ahead..but it won't brick it for life will it? I mean I can recover back rite? And can someone who has done it successfully please post a step by step procedure? Mine is 16 gb wifi 4.3 :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Sadly yes :( ... I had the problem after i installed SSH an rebooted the device. As i mentioned i had to recover via recovery mode + itunes. It works, but now i am on 4.3.3 -_-

Here the instructions: Put iPad / iPad 2 into Recovery Mode: How To - The how to..
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