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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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justix said:
Guys..from what you are reporting Saurik is blocking all those ipad 2 Jailbroken with the beta to access Cydia (well my last access to Cydia was this morning and did no access since..but can't confirm) why? HOw this is gonna help Comex..I mean this is silly....

Sorry, but not here.. I just opened Cydia from my jailbroken iPad 2, and it began loading packages as normal, then at the end it gave me the 'Reloading Data' wheel as always.. So what's he blocking?

Here's a screenshot from a moment ago, as proof..

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3).. d(-_-)b


  • image-1858464740.webp
    86.2 KB · Views: 260
dear c0mex,
thankyou for all that you have done for us in the world of jailbreak.. i really appreciate it.
surely you are showing your "AA++" class rank level... still waiting the official release with my last popcorn stock..
justix said:
Guys..from what you are reporting Saurik is blocking all those ipad 2 Jailbroken with the beta to access Cydia (well my last access to Cydia was this morning and did no access since..but can't confirm) why? HOw this is gonna help Comex..I mean this is silly....

Sorry, but not here.. I just opened Cydia from my jailbroken iPad 2, and it began loading packages as normal, then at the end it gave me the 'Reloading Data' wheel as always.. So what's he blocking?

Here's a screenshot from a moment ago, as proof..

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3).. d(-_-)b

Thanks dude..I did it myself just after reading your post and you are right..still working..but all these rumors and comex not releasing JB for the rest of the devices is getting freak..I would update to 4.3.3 myself and knowing to have a 'stable' JB but so far I had no issues and feel sorry for thouse who are still waiting :o
Jephilosoraptor said:
Comex was out of this. He put himself back in it when he announced his teaser. All he had to do was nothing and we wouldn't have pestered him. Judging by what he's done so far, I think he has intentions on releasing a jailbreak.

Yes, he released an enigmatic teaser on jailbreakme.com and told people to keep visiting it until it was released. Now, after receiving all of those page views, it is being auctioned off. Coincidence?

Here's a hint: The URL's appraisal value is directly linked to page views.
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Jephilosoraptor said:
Comex was out of this. He put himself back in it when he announced his teaser. All he had to do was nothing and we wouldn't have pestered him. Judging by what he's done so far, I think he has intentions on releasing a jailbreak.

Yes, he released an enigmatic teaser on jailbreakme.com and told people to keep visiting it until it was released. Now, after receiving all of those page views, it is being auctioned off. Coincidence?

Comex tweeted about an hour ago that he had nothing to do with the godaddy.com auction


  1. @bubleeshaark Drudge owns it, but it's been pointed at my server and I've controlled the content since jailbreakme 2.0. 13 minutes ago via web in reply to bubleeshaark

  2. I don't actually own the domain jailbreakme.com and am not the one who put it on GoDaddy.
For those wondering or being scared.

jailbreakme.com is only a domain, pointed at a server owned by comex. the owner of the domain is selling it so it has no connection to comex other than him saying "visit jailbrakeme.com"

EDIT: Lakerfanalways above faster than me
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As soon as click on the cydia app (any iPad) you will see a little message by saurik saying everything won't work

I think you have to put that in context though. That message was written on May 2nd 2010, when the 1st iPad jailbreak was released and before any of the JB app developers had had a chance to update their apps for the iPad in any way shape or form. It was to make sure expectations were managed in the first days of the iPad jailbreak.

Saurik does have a bad habit of leaving very old articles lying around in Cydia which are no longer relevant. Heck, have you seen the "upgrading to 4.0.2?: Read This" article which has caused confusion on the front page for a VERY long time :)
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It's only blocked for people now trying to JB.

Yes- just checked cydia on my ipad2 - still working ok, anyways I have installed ALL that I need from cydia that I needed...

Really feel it for you guys with no jailbreak, I put money on it that comex WILL eventually release the JB for other firmwares, why? Cos if he wasn't there would be no need to withdraw/close the leaked links. He woulda just let it be & leave the scene for good...

I, for one wouldn't mind donating comex for his hard work (even though it's his hobby)- He did what others couldn't- jailbreak the first A5 chip driven apple device! That's a celebrTion in itself :)

Sent from my JAILBROKEN ipad2 64g wifi only model 3.40

Edit: good point f4780y above, it's been there forever, but it does cover his back if any bug is found...

Hang in there guys, keep the faith & don't piss ppl off In frustration ;)
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Hey all (and especially F4780y as the maintainer of the SHSH FAQ):

I know it's well established that 3G iPad 2s can't be downgraded using blobs, but I don't think anything's been said about moving up to a less-than-newest version.

So I enquired. The result seems to be that if you want to run your iPad 2 on 4.3.3 jailbroken, now is the time to update your OS to 4.3.3.

In response to my tweet
"b3nzilla @notcom iPad 2s can't be downgraded using blobs, but if Apple releases a 4.3.4, will I be able to go from 4.3 to 4.3.3 with my blobs?
about 12 hours ago"

I received:
"iH8sn0w @b3nzilla iPad 2 3G models cannot downgrade due to the way the baseband is signed.
about 12 hours ago*in reply to b3nzilla "

"chpwn @b3nzilla That's a good question. I'd go to 4.3.3 and stay there for now.
about 12 hours ago*in reply to b3nzilla"

"notcom @b3nzilla wifi iPad 2 are immune. But baseband laden iPad 2 must have an iboot or bootrom level exploit to fix recovery loop.
about 8 hours ago*in reply to b3nzilla"
I saw that too, but it is still pretty coincidental. If he was planning on releasing a jailbreak on it, you'd think this Drudge person would wait a few weeks for the JB to be released and for it to be mentioned in several hundred media articles.
kevbo said:
Yes, he released an enigmatic teaser on jailbreakme.com and told people to keep visiting it until it was released. Now, after receiving all of those page views, it is being auctioned off. Coincidence?

Here's a hint: The URL's appraisal value is directly linked to page views.


Some coincidence..

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3).. d(-_-)b
Hey all (and especially F4780y as the maintainer of the SHSH FAQ):

I know it's well established that 3G iPad 2s can't be downgraded using blobs, but I don't think anything's been said about moving up to a less-than-newest version.

Thanks, but I have already covered this a while ago in the official iPad2 Jailbreak news thread... :)

If however a working 4.3.3 jailbreak for iPad2 is released, the advice is to upgrade to this version as quickly as possible, as Apple will likely patch the userland exploit used and issue an updated version of IOS and stop signing the 4.3.3 version shortly thereafter.

As soon as Apple announce 4.3.4 (or whatever their response will be) you should upgrade to 4.3.3 ASAP provided it still seems likely Comex's jailbreak will work for 4.3.3
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