iPF Noob
AwesomeNoob said:I don't understand ppl who CAN jailbreak, but don't- for a beta it is remarkably stable, I have NOT had any issues what-so-ever. Ive sold my JAILBROKEN iPad 1 cos there was no difference, apart from the extra horsepower im getting now!
Wost comes to worse, just update when the 'official' jailbreak is released from the 'beta'- I'm glad I did it & having a blast!
The only reason why I'm still here is because I have NOT saved my blobs at 3.4.0 & looking to save the 4.3.3 blob ASAP when comex jailbreak is officially out.
Just a side note, when I'm in cydia menu it actually says: SHSH IOS 4.3.3- the jailbreak gotta be imminent at that firmware
Sent from my JAILBROKEN ipad2 64gb wifi only model (3.40)![]()
You can save your 4.3.3 blobs now mate using tinyumbrella, in fact that's the only one you can save now. You can only save the one that apple is signing at the moment which is 4.3.3