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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Wow, a jailbreak so easy, a caveman can do it. Thank you very much, Comex.

This is my first jailbroken device. Still haven't decided what to go with. RetinaPad is the only Cydia app I've installed so far. I may have to look at that ultimate list again... Probably tomorrow I will start looking at game system emulators :)
There was a jailbreak a few days ago but it was leaked one someone put on their site dont know if it works wont trust it see on youtube tysiphonehelp for all that sorta stuff
damicd said:
There was a jailbreak a few days ago but it was leaked one someone put on their site dont know if it works wont trust it see on youtube tysiphonehelp for all that sorta stuff
Go to jailbreakme.com and get the official jailbreak it was released today and has been the news of this thread for the past few posts...
Anyone tried to connect to other secured wifi connections as the one they used to jailbreak? This was an issue with the leaked version and as I'm going on holidays I don't want to have an iPad which can't connect to the internet anymore.
Just a suggestion to f4780y to update the jailbreaking methods for iPad thread to include this most recent jb method
Success on first try...was on 4.3 3G. Upgraded to 4.3.3. Did JB. Able to connect to WiFi and 3G. Connected to Cydia. Thanks Comex for all your hard work and dedication to thousands of folks - many very impatient.
Finally able to install winter board :) anyone knows how to install edit by moderator no discussion of illegally obtained apps allowed? Or is that a very old app?
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reddevilgautam said:
Finally able to install winter board :) anyone knows how to install edit of quoted post by moderator - no discussion of illegal apps? Or is that a very old app?
That's an against the rules app, be careful
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Great success on 32gig Wifi! So very simple and easy....nothing like what I just went through trying to update an iPhone 3GS to 4.3 AND maintain my unlock lol.....

No bugs or problems to speak of so far....EVERYONE needs to donate if they can this is superb work!
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