it might be a dumb questions but better check than sorry: i am on 4.3.3 JB via about 1 year ago. can i just go and update to 5.01 and then jailbreka with absinthe ?
is there a thread on this maybe somewhere? cydia also says i have the blobs for 4.3.3 5.01 and 5.1 - is that possible even though i only had 4.3.3 on the ipad 2?
Do you have an iPad2 or iPad1? If you have an iPad1, then yes, you can use that 5.0.1 SHSH blob to create a custom firmware and then use it to upgrade your iPad to that iOS. Then you jail break it.
However, if you have an iPad2, then no, you cannot upgrade to iOS 5.0.1. Even with saved blobs, the programs to build custom firmware will not work on the newer iPad.
All you can do is sit tight on iOS 4.3.3 and when/if a jail break is released for iOS 5.x, upgrade to that iOS and then jail break it.
Hope this clarified.