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Post your Pet

Gabriel1 said:
But would you think twice if you had a pet sheep?

It's all about scale! (Well it is if you have a snake.......).

The Archangel

Lol. Snakeskin!

I'm still waking up Gabe and didn't catch your post before my reply to Leelai.

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Richard Brown said:
But why not? It's similar to using wool. :)

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Yes of course you're right....but somehow it's just not the same.

I've only ever thought of it in terms of my own pets and one day they will be no more......:(

Wouldn't like to have something made from my dead (touch wood) pet. :O
Oh leelai and Gabe--I had a good chuckle reading your last few comments...and the snake ...oh too funny!
Pork chipolatas and dogs do not mix !

Hubby kindly cooked up all the sausages ready for freezing, left them on the side to cool down while he came and got me from work ................ On our return guess what? No flippin sausages and two dogs with football bellies

Unfortunately pork is a tad rich so they both had horrible tummies, it was NOT pleasant believe me!

At least he has learned a lesson - don't leave food on the side - I have lost count how many times he has been told but after having to clean up after them I don't think he will ever forget again

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)
Pork chipolatas and dogs do not mix !

Hubby kindly cooked up all the sausages ready for freezing, left them on the side to cool down while he came and got me from work ................ On our return guess what? No flippin sausages and two dogs with football bellies 

Unfortunately pork is a tad rich so they both had horrible tummies, it was NOT pleasant believe me!

At least he has learned a lesson - don't leave food on the side - I have lost count how many times he has been told but after having to clean up after them I don't think he will ever forget again 

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)

Surrey...that is too funny, but poor pups! They must have had belly aches for a while especially with all the spices added to it!!
Oh that is funny! Sorry, can't help but laugh!

Your poor dogs and I can just imagine their innocent looking faces. 'What sausages?'

Dogs will be dogs!

And the same applies to husbands too! ;)

My little bus driver !!

Sent from my WiFi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display using iPF
tlbaker said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=29941"/>

My little bus driver !!

Sent from my WiFi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display using iPF

A cute dog carrier for a cute dog.:)
tlbaker said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=29941"/>

My little bus driver !!

Sent from my WiFi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display using iPF

That's just gorgeous! Love it! :)

How cool are those shades!
tlbaker said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=29941"/>

My little bus driver !!

Sent from my WiFi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display using iPF

Brilliant. :)

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Roy Rob said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=30049"/>

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Your kittens blend right into their little sleeping cushion! How cute is that! :)

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