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Roy Rob said:
He says thanks. I rescued him when he was trying to run across a 4 lane highway in Hamilton during rush hour. The owners of his mother purposely put the mother in a house on the other side of the road. Three of his siblings had already been killed (apparently) trying to get across. I found the owners and they were fined $250 for unnecessary cruelty, not enough, but that's all I could do, except for some mysterious double flat tires. ;)

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I would like to echo what the others have been saying, Roy Rob. That was good detective work and at least a result of some sort for justice. Have the cat owners been banned from keeping animals?

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Edit. I have just read your follow up post and see a ban was imposed.
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My little lapdogs-both rescued.


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Wingennis said:
My little lapdogs-both rescued.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=30085"/>

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They are great......was one of them a horse in a previous existence?

The Archangel
Both of my dogs are rescues.

One we bought to get her away from a family who enjoyed tying her up and kicking her, the other was found wandering at about -35° in the middle of nowhere.

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OMG just found a pit x outside my house in the road. She looks to only be about 18 months old but has had no flippin training whatsoever ! No tag on her collar but luckily managed to catch the dog warden before she clocked off and luckily the dog has been microchipped so she can trace the owners.

She is incredibly strong and not used to being on a lead, in fact not used to going for a walk full stop.

Has no doggy manners either !

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)
darkangelwitch said:
OMG just found a pit x outside my house in the road. She looks to only be about 18 months old but has had no flippin training whatsoever ! No tag on her collar but luckily managed to catch the dog warden before she clocked off and luckily the dog has been microchipped so she can trace the owners.

She is incredibly strong and not used to being on a lead, in fact not used to going for a walk full stop.

Has no doggy manners either !

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)

Good for you for catching it. I did the same once and by the time we had traced the owner we had fallen in love with it. Happy and sad to return her :) :(


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Roy Rob said:
Good for you for catching it. I did the same once and by the time we had traced the owner we had fallen in love with it. Happy and sad to return her :) :(

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=30111"/>

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Unfortunately we couldn't keep her in the house with our two because she had no manners and just threw herself about and hadn't learned how to play properly if she had knocked my three legged dog she could have hurt him badly (he only has one front leg) and we just could not take the risk.

She was only a medium sized dog height wise but very over weight and if she had knocked my boy she could have broken his leg which would have been awful.

Dog warden has her now but the owners will be in for a shock when she finds them. Apparently in the UK now you are charged if your dog is picked up by the warden, £30 call out, £15 for no dog tag and £15/day kennels and as it is Friday night they will get charged 4 days cox they cannot get their dog until Monday -ooops.

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)
Owning a dog comes with a great responsibility. It's truly unfortunate for the dogs involved, when their owners haven't accepted that fact.
I always feel so bad when I read about people who hurt and are cruel to animals.

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mollysmom said:
I always feel so bad when I read about people who hurt and are cruel to animals.

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Try not to feel bad mollysmom, there are a lot of us out here keeping a beady eye open for any cruelty or abuse. The trick is to catch them and not get arrested yourself for assault causing bodily harm. So far so good but it's been close a couple of times. ;)

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mollysmom said:
I always feel so bad when I read about people who hurt and are cruel to animals.

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Yes, I had to stop following some of the shelters on Miles' FB page as I was balling like a baby reading one very lovingly detailed doggie in-take report on a sweet little Jack Russell terrier and his brother abandoned by their owner in the Manhattan shelter. I can't help them especially if they are wayyyy out of state, I can't adopt cuz I am lucky enough to be able to have Miles and I don't think "only dog" will be too thrilled about the idea lol (I've seen him in action when I put another Yorkie on my lap lol), and I can't give all my $$$ away for pledges and chip-in. I kept the rescue sites as those have many happy endings and the animal is as safe and loved once they reach the rescue / foster and eventually adopted into a forever home. I keep the local shelters just in case I want / need to foster "someone" lol.

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scifan57 said:
Owning a dog comes with a great responsibility. It's truly unfortunate for the dogs involved, when their owners haven't accepted that fact.

Yes, it's like having a child but only BETTER for me anyway.

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tlbaker said:
Yes, it's like having a child but only BETTER for me anyway.

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The hard part would be saying goodbye to several generations of dogs in a lifetime of dog ownership.
scifan57 said:
The hard part would be saying goodbye to several generations of dogs in a lifetime of dog ownership.

The hard part IS the saying goodbye bit. To date 8 goodbyes and it never gets easy. They each have their separate and individual personalities. To those that think 'its just an animal' have never been loved by one. To them I say 'Never miss the opportunity to say absolutely nothing to an animal lover.'

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